
Raw-only necks

Actually, the reason to finish Maple, Mahogany and some others is to seal them from the environment. They're notorious for distorting out of shape if left raw, developing bends and twists that make the things unplayable and that can't be adjusted out. The other, more exotic woods tend to be much more stable and so can be left raw.
Cagey said:
Actually, the reason to finish Maple, Mahogany and some others is to seal them from the environment. They're notorious for distorting out of shape if left raw, developing bends and twists that make the things unplayable and that can't be adjusted out. The other, more exotic woods tend to be much more stable and so can be left raw.

Yeah sorry, I didn't think to put "other than the obvious reason they're finished". I was more trying to make the point of why the exotic stuffs are not finished.
AutoBat said:
Jumble Jumble said:
Great, thanks. I think that's pretty clear. I do think it's pretty odd that you can't get a finish though. Would it damage it or something?
It would damage my eyes.  By any chance are you planning on having a former art major paint binding on the neck of it?  (no really, it was terrible circa nov2010)

:laughing3: :laughing3: I remember that wenge neck....that was a horrible, horrible thing to do to a wenge neck. That's the poster child of what not to do....EVER!!
scartozi said:
AutoBat said:
Jumble Jumble said:
Great, thanks. I think that's pretty clear. I do think it's pretty odd that you can't get a finish though. Would it damage it or something?
It would damage my eyes.  By any chance are you planning on having a former art major paint binding on the neck of it?  (no really, it was terrible circa nov2010)

:laughing3: :laughing3: I remember that wenge neck....that was a horrible, horrible thing to do to a wenge neck. That's the poster child of what not to do....EVER!!
Where is it? now you made me want to see it...
It was on eBay. Trust me, you didn't want to see it. It was a horrible waste of an otherwise good neck. Caused a sort of cognitive disconnect when you saw it, like seeing an inside-out cat or something. You just couldn't believe somebody would so thoroughly wreck a perfectly good part. Then, the guy want about a bajillion dollars for it, which was weird because it was unlikely anybody would take it if you paid them.
Imagine taking a nice Wenge neck, painting on some gloss polyurethane, then take a white paintbrush and paint (VERY POORLY)binding on the neck and headstock.....and I think he painted "Fender" in white too. The guitars body was just as bad.....white painted binding n all.

Inside out cat :toothy12:
Save me starting another thread.

Anyone know what grade the Warmoth Raw Necks are sanded to ?  :dontknow:

Not that mine need anymore ….. Just wondered  :icon_scratch:
Cagey said:
It was on eBay. Trust me, you didn't want to see it. It was a horrible waste of an otherwise good neck. Caused a sort of cognitive disconnect when you saw it, like seeing an inside-out cat or something.
Honestly, that sounds like I'd actually rather see the inside out cat.
scartozi said:
Here is a pic of the body... :laughing7:

What the french, toast?  :laughing8:

Thanks, things like that make me feel like I have taste  :icon_thumright:
Updown said:
Anyone know what grade the Warmoth Raw Necks are sanded to ?  :dontknow:
Oh well ... I might ask this in my next email to Warmoth.

:icon_scratch:  Anyone know this then ...
Can you get a headstock veneer on a Raw neck  ?  :ie Wenge / Ebony
So it (the headstock face) could just be painted in a solid colour to match the body.

I think the answer is ….. NO

But I actually don't know and can't find anything saying you can or not.

OH … by the way anyone notice this … in the red writing.
Sure thats new after a recent post here about neck screws.
All these tough questions! Looks like you may need to send an email to Warmoth.

The least expensive headstock veneer is $45, though. Seems like a pretty pricey paint prep. I think there's a treatment you can put on the exotic woods you don't normally paint so that you can paint them. For instance, I have a Koa neck here that I got finished in clear. Perhaps in your email, you could ask if they'd put that on rather than a veneer.

That is funny about the screw note <grin>
Oh man, I was totally planning a Goncalo Alves neck with a quilted maple pehead veneer! That's gonna scupper my plans if they won't do that!
Cagey said:
All these tough questions! Looks like you may need to send an email to Warmoth.

Jumble Jumble said:
Oh man, I was totally planning a Goncalo Alves neck with a quilted maple pehead veneer! That's gonna scupper my plans if they won't do that!

Email sent with those Q's of mine .... will post answers in this post as soon as I get one.
Jumble Jumble said:
Oh man, I was totally planning a Goncalo Alves neck with a quilted maple pehead veneer! That's gonna scupper my plans if they won't do that!

Not for sure, but peghead veneers may require the neck to be finished too.  Could be wrong though.
I've ordered at least one raw exotic neck with a peghead veneer, which was also a raw exotic wood (and therefore didn't need to be finished).  It worked out quite nicely.  $45 seems about right.  Call and check for availability.
A friend of my dad had a Red DeLorean. I thought they looked cool in just the brushed stainless look, but the red looks even better in person... :icon_thumright: