Great Ape said:
Kuro--Meanwhile, the work on the body defies verbal commentary!! (So I'll go ahead and comment anyway)...Ummm...damn, I'm pretty much speechless...''hauntingly beautiful'' almost scratches the surface--if you'll pardon the term. That is just something ELSE!!!
What is the finish you applied ?
Thank you Great Ape. That means a lot coming from you after I've seen your outstanding pieces. The feeling is mutual my friend. I show my wife everytime you post a new picture.
The finish is just 2k Spraymax Polyurethane after a sealer. It's main use is for clear coating smaller car parts (fenders, quarter panels and etc) when the painter doesn't need or want to break out and clean up the whole spray gun setup. It's extremely glossy and hard. I shoot it on thin and within 24 hours or less I can go right to wetsanding and polishing. I used it on the guitar in my signature and it still looks new regardless of pick scraps or the occasional drunk spilling beer at shows.
I've found that if you can shoot it on directly after using a tack cloth to get every speck of dust or undetectable particle that could get in it, and with a little luck, You could get away with not even having to wetsand or polish. It dries so level and glossy.