
New Warmoth Site Bug Megathread

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I asked the gotoh guys if it would fit and they looked at the website and saw the 3/16 fraction.  They saw it, I didn't.  I'll circle back with them and tell  them it's definitely 2 1/16, and see what they say.

any chance of finding the center line to center line distance from the mounting hole line to the string hole line? 
rick2 said:
I asked the gotoh guys if it would fit and they looked at the website and saw the 3/16 fraction.  They saw it, I didn't.  I'll circle back with them and tell  them it's definitely 2 1/16, and see what they say.

any chance of finding the center line to center line distance from the mounting hole line to the string hole line?

It is a 1/4" between those lines according to these diagrams from ToneShapers for reference of Callaham replacements of Fender bridges.

Not sure if this is a bug or an intentional omission...

When building a Jagstang body in the builder, it is not possible to choose a dye finish, even if a lam top wood is chosen that would normally allow it.
It doesn't appear to affect any other bodies (though I haven't tried them all), it's certainly possible to choose a dye finish on both the Jaguar and Mustang bodies.
I went on the website Friday night, after seeing one of those great Warmoth Instagram postings, to check out the Strat bodies in the showcase. Total frustration. Asked to sort by weight and then it took more than 1 minute to go from page to page of showcase bodies. Totally frustrating. I guess I'm not using the parts of this new software that bring some benefits to customers because all I see are negatives with  this software. I love Warmoth. I love that I have guitar necks that feel so great every time I pick them up. I only wish I could have the old software program back.
For Warmoth Devs...log in problem reported at this thread.

Clicking on Shop for Tuneomatic Bridges for recessed routs...


Goes to this URL...


Which does not return the expected result.

The page you requested was not found, but we have searched for relevant content.
so last Friday I went on the Warmoth Strat body webpage and clicked to sort by weight (I did this sorted by price with the same results) and after a minute and a half of waiting ( I timed it) it finally delivered the Strat bodies page 1. After taking approximately 15 seconds to look at the bodies on page 1 I clicked on the page 2 button and it took a minute and 20 seconds to bring up page 2 after another 15 seconds of looking at the body's on page 2 I clicked on the page 3 button and it took another minute and 20 seconds before it  brought up page 3, etc etc etc. Can someone explain to me exactly what's Happening Here? Is this a problem at Warmoth? They don't have enough servers and we are all in line to get access? Or is there a glitch in the software? Or is this a problem on my end? I'm running Windows 10 it's up to date my Xfinity download speed is 950 megabytes per second. I don't have this problem with any other website but maybe I'm doing something wrong? So someone please after a few years of this new software why is this not fixed? And if it's on my side someone tell me so I can fix it! It makes no sense what so ever that I should have to wait a minute and 20 seconds per page to look at stuff on somebody's webpage. I love Warmoth, I love their products, I buy their products why are they torturing me? Why do they make it so hard for me, and other customers, to give them our money? Anyone please explain this! Thank you.
@WindsurfMaui it is not a problem on your end. I find similar results whether using Mac or Windows.

There could be a number of reasons for the slow response at the server end or within the coding and I don't want to provide speculation.
Stratamania, thanks. I just don't understand why it is still going on after more than 2 years. I guess I better shut up I want to buy another Strat body soon.  :bananaguitar:
WindsurfMaui said:
Stratamania, thanks. I just don't understand why it is still going on after more than 2 years. I guess I better shut up I want to buy another Strat body soon.  :bananaguitar:

The timeline is just under a year since the new site went into production. See the first post of this thread which was made shortly after the launch of the new site.

It will be good to see the bugs get ironed out and things improve over time.
Warmoth's site was a candy store for me before the change, now I can't stand to be on it long enough to do any actual browsing let alone buy anything. Will be happy when it gets worked out
Jay4321 Exactly. I used to go to the website once at week just to checkout new stuff in the showcase and now I only go when I feel I have a serious interest in a purchase. I have bought necks from the showcase in the past just because they looked so good but now I have probably missed some nice stuff because it is just too annoying to get on the site. Stratmania tells me that the new website has only been around for a year when I said it had been up for 2 years without a fix. I thought I was being conservative because to me it felt like more than 3 years!!!
Control cavity -> Top route option* on https://warmoth.com/index.php/double-neck-s-p-style-body-builder seems to be broken.

* the only option you can choose, does it with both woods, and that's the only options you have.
amigarobbo said:
Control cavity -> Top route option* on https://warmoth.com/index.php/double-neck-s-p-style-body-builder seems to be broken.

* the only option you can choose, does it with both woods, and that's the only options you have.

I believe that may be due to that type of body only being available as a top rout.
The https://warmoth.com/index.php/double-neck-s-s-style-body-builder has the same problem, little
where the cutout image should be.

the S/T and S/S seem to be correct.
amigarobbo said:
The https://warmoth.com/index.php/double-neck-s-s-style-body-builder has the same problem, little
where the cutout image should be.

the S/T and S/S seem to be correct.

I see the image okay. I just used that builder and did not notice any issue.

Can you try again and outline at which stage and the steps to recreate the issue if it is still there?
Control Cavity (only one choice*) Top Route little missing image icon comes up.

You can only make a choice between Alder and Ash and it does it with both. All the other previous options have one choice.

(Safari 15.4 on MacOS 12.3.1)

* If there's only one choice, why have a option, just automatically fill it up to speed everything up a bit, and if you're choosing the paint job etc, why show options that are greyed out?


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