
New W headstock?

I'm going to agree with SolomonHelsing on this.  I kinda like the headstock design.  It would work well for a bass too.
The Luke model was actually a very nice guitar, somehow later the overall vibe about them seemed to diminish, ie; less promotion, less ads, cheaper components, etc...
They were up there with Tom Anderson's and Suhr's at one point though.
Looking at headstock and neck photos, they look to be well-made. Staggered tuners? Warmoth necks? And I don't mind the headstock, though I'm not in love with it.
Yep, Valley Arts were top dog for quite some time in the boutique segment.  Not quite sure what happened to them - but they ended up getting bought by Gibson...
The headstock does grow on me.  It is bold, but you know how hard it is to make a more-or-less Superstrat and have an original headstock design that doesn't look too much like a Fender or like a cheap knock off?
Too SolomonHelsing, if that's in the CNC, Warmoth could just make you one.  There's probably not a Valley Arts licensing issue because Warmoth is apparently selling the unused surplus.
AutoBat said:
Saw these in the RSS pop up and they're sitting in the Misc->Other section (and screamin' deals)

Does this thing have a name?



I'm not sure if it's great or terrible.

That's called "The Dangler".
Not beating up on the guitar or brand itself, just don't like the headstock design. It looks like a nicely put together instrument from what I see.
True, will send them an email once i find out how i like the original neck on my jazz project incase, i know the neck pocket is just about the same size on the body as warmoths 4 string spec, if anything i think a bit tighter fit probably,
Never liked the shape of the old Valley Arts head stocks from the very first time I saw them.... they kinda looked incomplete to me, like the CNC machine stopped and they decided just to leave the top part flat and square.. :dontknow:
I suspect that unless somebody already has a Valley Arts guitar with a bum neck, these are going to have to be much more than "screaming" deals before anybody buys them. They're going to have to be "blood-curdling, terror-inducing, screaming deals". Like, wrap it in $20 bills, and I'll take one <grin>
ByteFrenzy said:
Nothing a belt sander and some imagination can't fix...

Right. And some refinishing work. Could be made acceptable. Too much labor at the price, though. May as well buy something built right in the first place.
elgravos said:
Yep, Valley Arts were top dog for quite some time in the boutique segment.  Not quite sure what happened to them - but they ended up getting bought by Gibson...

I thought Samick bought them.  :icon_scratch:
samick is a ghostbuilder for both gibson and fender (at one point) just like cort..
I think Samick also owns Mighty Mite. but that could also be Cort.. I always mix those two up...

Gibson bought Valley arts from Samick..