
New W headstock?

Super Nigerian Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
So who owns Gibson?  Colonel Mustard in the study with the candle holder?

Gibson is a privately held corporation that also owns the Aeolian, Baldwin, Chickering, Electar, Epiphone, Garrison, Gibson Amphitheatre, Hamilton, Kramer, Maestro, MaGIC, Slingerland, Steinberger, Tobias, Valley Arts Guitar, and Wurlitzer brand names. It is rated as one of the worst companies in the country to work for, so it's no surprise that their output leaves much to be desired despite charging some of the highest prices in the industry. They're also very litigious, even though they always lose. They like to announce ridiculous products in a "shark-jumping" move to stimulate business, even though that trick never works. These are all modern-day signs of a company in severe decline due to moribund, short-sighted and uninformed management.

Being privately held, it's unlikely the trend will reverse. The company will continue to decline due to their own failing policies and practices, as well as the quality and tenacity of their competition, which has reached viral proportions, until their name only serves as a warning sign even to the unsophisticated.
Agree with Cagey, untill someone nice buy Gibson, it ain't gonna get right... But There is a nice person that have money to buy it? I doubt :laughing7: To have THAT much money you might be a prick  :toothy12:
If I were Paul Reed Smith, I'd be saving my pennies for the day when the Gibson name goes on the auction block. They could buy that and make it their "second line", kinda like Gibson's been doing with Epiphone since they bought them.