Thanks for the feedback guys, I do appreciate it a lot. And I do tend to agree that I'd like to see the lower two tuners closer together. However, I have two issues with accomplishing that in a way that keeps the overall design to my liking AND meets my criteria of having a place for both tuner and capo to clip on handily:
1) I want to keep them far enough apart so that I can clip my capo between them, so I can't come much closer together anyway and still accomplish that in a convenient kind of way I can do without having to be a bit careful as I slip it into place. I can get a bit closer, yes, but... see 2)
2) Moving them closer together (assuming I keep the distance from the edge of the tuner hole to the edge of the headstock consistent, which I think I should), it sharpens the angle of the lower line, leaving the tip of the headstock narrower than I like visually, and cutting down my already borderline too small shelf where I intend to clip my tuner on.
As I said, I've played with a lot of stuff that involved rounded shapes, and to meet my criteria of having a place for both capo and tuner, I just haven't got anything that I didn't feel looked awkward and off. The closest I came was one that had a little 'thumb' at the tip, either rounded or straight lined, both of which were in contention, but with the straight lined upper, having the lower straight lined as well just 'feels more right', I think.
Also looking very nice, was/is to sharpen the angle at the tip, and then round the corners of that off (I actually did one like that for a non-Warmoth 3/4 body/full scale neck build I did once - see pic, and liked it a lot). The tuner placement was a little awkward with that one, because I just used 2 right tuners on the left side, but overall, I liked the result. I may even end up going back there, now that I'm rethinking again.
I think the main reason for all this, is that the straight line along the top, makes it difficult to integrate curved lines in a way that leaves the finished shape looking like it all 'hangs together' naturally, if that makes any sense (though both of the designs you guys just supplied do a very good job of that, BTW).
But the net of all of this, is that I'm back to reconsidering, LOL.