June or July Warmoth get together / jam


Epic Member
I was thinking about organizing a Warmoth jam / get together in June or July in the Capitol District of NY.  I wanted to gauge interest, because if we are few, it'll be in my backyard, it there's a lot, we'll rent a hall.  If just one person expresses interest, and they live between NYC to the south, Boston to the East, Syracuse to the West, and Montreal to the North, I'll start setting things in motion.

I'd envision something like 3 to 7 on a saturday or sunday afternoon, enough time to chit chat, eat a hamburger, play some tunes ... and check out warmoth builds.  If you have any other ideas or suggestions, we can exchange thoughts
Maybe other times, other meeting places ... I just wanted to kick it off because June'll be here before you know it.

Send me a PM and we'll see what happens.
Organize one in Florida.  Early May has nice weather down there.  Then September.
Anyone's welcome from any location, I was just thinking about the most likely places given the drive, though Albany does have an airport, train and bus stations.

I view it as something low-key, a chance to meet, check out some gits, play a few tunes.
If there's any interest, especially from the Hudson Valley people, send me a PM. 
Well alright!  Since there's a spark of  interest, I'll circulate some dates next week and if you have any suggestions that'd be great.
Upstate NY is cool. Have to see about it though. I'll be coming from Eerie PA...Or just Erie.
Well, there is interest from three of us, so I guess that's good enough to move forward.  This weekend I'll circulate some suggested times and the secret location for this awesome event.
My Dad has got too many doctor appointments coming up in June, so I'm going to have to postpone the get together.  If any of you guys want to take up the mantle, that would be great and I'd try to go, but I got too much on my plate right now.  After June I hope to regroup.
First off, I hope your dad is doing well.

Secondly I apologize for not getting to you with a more definitive answer. There are a couple tentative mid-June things that were keeping me from committing to anything.