
Hello, here's my birthday Warmoth


Junior Member

I haven't played in the last couple of years, though I am an ex-pro. Last month for my 70th birthday I ordered a Warmoth Strat and arranged to have it put together (but not set up yet) on my birthday. It's ironic that out of all the choices Warmoth gives you, I did a totally conservative guitar, LOL. It doesn't look particularly special at all, though it's got quite a nice body; I've just never owned a straightforward sunburst and that's what I wanted. It was easy to do - everything worked and fit perfectly, as I expected.

Anyway, it's got a roasted maple neck with roller nut, a Gotoh tremolo and Schaller locking tuners. This is my third Warmoth - the other two are 24 years old now, and still great guitars.

It worked; I started playing again, and while testing the guitar I did this little thing in a few minutes: https://soundcloud.com/tyrannocaster-rex/the-234-slalom

I decided I don't really like the pickups I put on it, so I've been working with a secondary body, assembling another set which sounds much better to me. I will post again with a sample of those.

i have a question or two but will do that in another post.

I hope I posted this right; every forum is different. There should be two pictures here, but the preview function isn't working for me for some reason. Also, I am having a HELL of a time with the damn capthca text!


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Hello and welcome to the forum.

Beautiful guitar and great playing.

How about some pics of your old guitars as well? :icon_thumright:
Thank you. Looking at the stuff available on my computer, I have a couple of pix handy. One guitar is a Strat and one is a Tele. I finished the bodies and necks myself, using nitro. The necks were stained with analine oak dye first, and that worked so well you wouldn't believe it; the color is perfect! They are the most beautiful aged necks, LOL.

I swear, these are the worst captchas I've ever encountered for legibility.


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Beautiful Strat and great playing! Welcome to the forum. The Capchas are a frequent source of consternation for new members, but they go away once you have a few posts, 10 I think?
I'm so glad to hear that! It keeps telling me I entered the wrong letters, while showing me the letters I just entered.
Welcome Sir. I say Sir because I'm only 66 and Mom and Dad said respect your Elders.  :icon_thumright:
Beautiful guitars and you did a great job on them. I like that amp too... :headbang:
The amp in the picture is an oddball. It has a Matchless preamp, but the power section is straight Tweed Twin, only it uses EL34s and it's...cathode biased! (So it's more like a tweed Pro than a Twin, really.) It has two Celestions in it. It's the cleanest build I ever did. It sounds pretty good.


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I forgot to mention that like my other Warmoths, this has a larger neck than the regular Fender issue. In this case, the roller nut requires a certain width (1 11/16), but that is my preference anyway. However I also got full thickness profiles on all three Warmoths; two with boatneck contours and one with a roundback. That last one (my red Tele) is my alltime favorite neck, and I mistakenly got the boatneck on the new Warmoth neck, although I don't mind it. i got them mixed up! The red Tele also has 6100 frets, and I forgot that when I ordered the new one and got 6150s instead. You forget a lot in 24 years, LOL.
I replaced the pickups; the old ones sounded...okay, but the output was really low and I had a lot of issues when working with high gain amps so I swapped them out. Current setup is a Kinman Vintage Astound (I know, dumb name) in the bridge (I had Warmoth rout the cavity just in case, and I'm glad I did) and two single coil ceramic magnet pups whose origin I don't know in the bridge and middle. All on a tortoiseshell pickguard, and since I put new strings on it, I recorded this little solo piece using the neck and middle together. And damn, but this piece is tricky to record because you're so exposed, LOL.


The Kinman sounds great for the bridge; I'm glad I finally got to use it. I've had it sitting here for a couple of years from a trade I did but I didn't have the right guitar for it. It works very well, and I have something else recorded showing that part of the guitar off, but I reckon this is enough for now.