
June Guitar/Bass of the Month: WINNER!!!!!!

Who Should Win

  • Total voters
Cagey said:
line6man said:
It's saying "My guitar is better than everyone else's."

If you don't think that's true, why enter a contest to see who's the best?

I agree - what's the point of entering a contest?  You're effectively saying, "here's my effort, and I think it's better than all" anyways.

That whole PC-everyone's-equal schtick has no place in contests... take some damn pride in your efforts... just not too much.
Superlizard said:
I will no longer vote for any finish that has flame or quilt... practically everything is flame or quilt... it's so commonplace here now that it's cliche, passe and boring.

It's like hearing "Stairway To Heaven" for the millionth time.

Where's the imagination?

They said that about solid black paint...

Also, I believe we've had a few plain Maple necks and plain Rosewood fretboards on the Guitars of The Month.

I would generally agree that commonplace options= boring and unimpressive, but number one, there is always the exceptional piece, and number two, it all depends how the whole instrument comes together.

Cagey said:
DesmoDog said:
mmm... bengal burst....  lovely!

Would it be considered honorable to not vote for myself, or just wrong???    :dontknow:

If you don't vote for yourself, what are you saying?

In my case I'd be saying that if I judge it like a beauty contest, the bengal burst looks great. The downside (for ME) is it's on a Les Paul, and at this point in my life I'd rather have a strat. 

My voting statement wasn't meant to be taken literally, it was only meant as an indication that dang, I like that so much I might even change teams. Which I won't. Just like when someone says "I'd kill for that". Um, no, they likely wouldn't. Or when an old girlfriend said "Damn, she's so good looking I'D sleep with her!". Then again, she was a bit wild, so maybe that's not the best example...


As for entering contests, it isn't always a case of "here's mine and I think it's better" for everyone. Some people toss something in just to say "here's mine, I like it, what do you think?"  That doesn't mean I think we're all equal and there are no winners, it means I acknowledge there are other nice builds out there and if the general population likes them better, I'm fine with that. I didn't build it to win any contests after all.

As for quilt and flame being commonplace, I can see that. I feel the same way about red Ducatis. In my defense, I bought my first guitar about three months ago and haven't been around this kind of stuff nearly as long as some (most) of you guys. But even if it IS common, it stll looks sweet!  :toothy10:

So I'm not going to abandon the thought of the tigers eye quilted maple Jaguar body I've been contemplating the past month or so.  :occasion14:
DesmoDog said:
As for entering contests, it isn't always a case of "here's mine and I think it's better" for everyone. Some people toss something in just to say "here's mine, I like it, what do you think?"
That's exactly why my Tonar Tele is going in when I'm done. I'm not trying to make it universal, but I'm going to make it unique and, hopefully, pretty good lookin.
Superlizard said:
I will no longer vote for any finish that has flame or quilt... practically everything is flame or quilt... it's so commonplace here now that it's cliche, passe and boring.

It's like hearing "Stairway To Heaven" for the millionth time.

Where's the imagination?

I am in the same boat, especially when it comes to strats, teles, and LP's. I might could be woo'd by a really nice rear routed Jag with a nice top but that would be about it. Then again im kinda getting burned out on these contests, but maybe its because i've been skunked in the last two owner finished GOTM contests lol. Im throwing my bass in next month but after that I will probably go on hiatus, lots of life changes ahead.



I could might aswell add mine even though I probably don't get any votes, because of all the other beauties posted here!
I went for a radical "modern" 80's look.

Candy Tangerine Finish
Birdseye Maple Neck w/ Ebony Fretboard

Seymour Duncan SH-2 and SH-5
Original Floyd Rose
Schaller Mini Locking Tuners
I'm really over flamed maple, too. It seems like most of the winners we get have nice flamed tops. Nothing wrong with it, but its not something I really go for.

Things I look for when I vote?
1. Raw, exotic necks
2. New - to me - takes on classics

If the neck's got no finish and I haven't seen if before, I'm voting. If more than one meets that, I pick the more unusual one of the two.
I tried to remove the insulting posts on this thread and give it a second chance to live.  Rather than returning fire on a thread, please simply report rude comments to the monitors now that we are watching certain members closely. A pattern of being obnoxious will result in the offending member being banned without warning.  Thank you.
DesmoDog said:
I don't know about guitar players but in the world of motorcycles, displaying a logo upside down is commonly meant as a sign of protest against whatever company the logo belongs to...
I have my license plate on upside down on my bike....Just to irritate the cops... :toothy11:
The Norwegian Guy said:



I could might aswell add mine even though I probably don't get any votes, because of all the other beauties posted here!
I went for a radical "modern" 80's look.

Candy Tangerine Finish
Birdseye Maple Neck w/ Ebony Fretboard

Seymour Duncan SH-2 and SH-5
Original Floyd Rose
Schaller Mini Locking Tuners
I like the tangerine finish, and the 80's look. Could have went with something a bit more 80's with the pick guard... :dontknow:
line6man said:
I would never vote for myself.

Being as I entered the contest myself, (Well, not this month.) of course I want myself to win, so that's kind of biased.
It's saying "My guitar is better than everyone else's."

But... mine is... right??   


I have voted for my guitars in the past, but Ironically not the time I won..

Marko said:
I have voted for my guitars in the past, but Ironically not the time I won..

me too. ...sort of. i haven't won, obviously. but i voted for myself once and only got my one vote, and another time voted for somebody else's guitar and received 3 whole votes :icon_biggrin: i was pretty proud of that.

i look at all these contests the same way... "which of these guitars would i most like to own?" if the answer is mine, then i get my vote. thats not always the case though.
JaySwear said:
i look at all these contests the same way... "which of these guitars would i most like to own?" if the answer is mine, then i get my vote. thats not always the case though.

That's how I look at it too. I only entered once, and didn't vote for myself. Three other people did.
I have and haven't voted for myself before.  I always voted for the one I thought should win.  Either way, in the spirit of the board, this is a way for us to see everyone's W again and again.  I've entered before when I knew it wouldn't win just to get the number of entries up.  FWIW, I don't build stuff to win contests.
I'm really liking the candy orange strat. I thought the owner had put some black felt or something in the trem cavity, or was that a different one?
I was going to fill the cavity with felt, but I havent had time to do it because of the army. I'm ordering a black and a vintage tint pearl pickguard just to see if it'll look cool on it. I'm also going to put a tone knob in there.
The Norwegian Guy said:
I was going to fill the cavity with felt, but I havent had time to do it because of the army. I'm ordering a black and a vintage tint pearl pickguard just to see if it'll look cool on it. I'm also going to put a tone knob in there.

Vintage tint? Like the one on my white Strat? I don't know , man. Black pearl might look really good on that. Never know about the vintage though, give it a try. It might really pop.
The Norwegian Guy said:
I was going to fill the cavity with felt, but I havent had time to do it because of the army.

I used this black rubberized material that was about 1/8 inch thick.  Worked real well and protects the wood when doing massive whammy pulls.  I will try to post a pic.

Felt would work well too but I would worry about it collecting dust.
DMRACO said:
The Norwegian Guy said:
I was going to fill the cavity with felt, but I havent had time to do it because of the army.

I used this black rubberized material that was about 1/8 inch thick.  Worked real well and protects the wood when doing massive whammy pulls.  I will try to post a pic.

Felt would work well too but I would worry about it collecting dust.
I agree, maybe just some flat black paint..... :dontknow: