

who should win

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Calm down, Jalane. I've seen seafoam green on a Jazz many times too. I think yours looks nice, but it's just not what I, or he, looks for. He said "Looks like," and more importantly, he said  "Or the one with the most unique/unusual finish." Everyone has their own criteria here, let's not fight over personal choices.
Not to rain on the parade but is Mayfly's truly owner finished. I was under the impression that the artwork was commisioned to a friend of his. Kind of the same as if you were to send your guitar out to Tonar for a finish. Just my 2 cents.
ocguy106 said:
Not to rain on the parade but is Mayfly's truly owner finished. I was under the impression that the artwork was commisioned to a friend of his. Kind of the same as if you were to send your guitar out to Tonar for a finish. Just my 2 cents.
It was between him and a friend who is not into the professional guitar finishing business.
Voyager said:
My cherry popped all over jalane and his jazzmaster.  There's just something about ugly colors and over-the-top wiring... my girl body can't help it.  Really though, I hate jalane for what he's done here: Entered a complete sex machine into a silly marketing survey.  Worst of all is how ordinary it is.  Everywhere I look there are lefty seafoam green jazzmasters.  Makes me sick.  Come up with something original one time, guy.  They're so common that Fender can't make enough lefty jazzmaster bridges (!!!demand is so high they practically sell right off the line!!!).  Ah well... it's not like I think the guitar is a bad guitar - I just think it's a bad guitar.  I'll probably stick to being extraordinary and build a strat (a person really) - Something people rarely do.
^i lol'd
Max said:
Calm down, Jalane. I've seen seafoam green on a Jazz many times too. I think yours looks nice, but it's just not what I, or he, looks for. He said "Looks like," and more importantly, he said  "Or the one with the most unique/unusual finish." Everyone has their own criteria here, let's not fight over personal choices.

:headbang: It's all good man.  I hope that didn't come off too strong.  I wasn't trying to be nasty or start a fight or anything, mostly just reiterating what ErogenousJones wrote a few posts ago.
jalane said:
Max said:
Calm down, Jalane. I've seen seafoam green on a Jazz many times too. I think yours looks nice, but it's just not what I, or he, looks for. He said "Looks like," and more importantly, he said  "Or the one with the most unique/unusual finish." Everyone has their own criteria here, let's not fight over personal choices.

:headbang: It's all good man.  I hope that didn't come off too strong.  I wasn't trying to be nasty or start a fight or anything, mostly just reiterating what ErogenousJones wrote a few posts ago.

i've seen seafoam and tortious many times too, but mostly on a jazz bass. i always thought it was the absolute coolest "classic" finish out there. after seeing it on that jazzmaster i'm convinced! i will be copying this classic look one day!
Well Ive seen too many guitars with strings so I'm not voting for any of these..... :icon_jokercolor:
Max said:
ocguy106 said:
Not to rain on the parade but is Mayfly's truly owner finished. I was under the impression that the artwork was commisioned to a friend of his. Kind of the same as if you were to send your guitar out to Tonar for a finish. Just my 2 cents.
It was between him and a friend who is not into the professional guitar finishing business.

That's correct - it was me and my bass player.  bass player is not a painter by trade - she's an interior designer.  Job was not commissioned.

Don't be dissing my guitar you, you, you guitar dissers you!
Voyager said:
My cherry popped all over jalane and his jazzmaster.  There's just something about ugly colors and over-the-top wiring... my girl body can't help it.  Really though, I hate jalane for what he's done here: Entered a complete sex machine into a silly marketing survey.  Worst of all is how ordinary it is.  Everywhere I look there are lefty seafoam green jazzmasters.  Makes me sick.  Come up with something original one time, guy.  They're so common that Fender can't make enough lefty jazzmaster bridges (!!!demand is so high they practically sell right off the line!!!).  Ah well... it's not like I think the guitar is a bad guitar - I just think it's a bad guitar.  I'll probably stick to being extraordinary and build a strat (a person really) - Something people rarely do.

Goodness gracious! So much anger! Isn't sarcasm fun?  <grin>
Can a guy ever make a guitar he wants to and NOT get penalised for it being similar to factory ones a tad.
To be honest, Nice one jalane for doing the finish itself, it looks really good finish, and the 8 hours wet sanding must surely be worth it. Happy playing!  :guitaristgif:
jwl68th said:
  I think I'll vote for the guitar that sits in the nicest chair from now on. 

Any chair in particular?  I'll bring my guitar and a camera to furniture row and take some pics...
mayfly said:
Max said:
ocguy106 said:
Not to rain on the parade but is Mayfly's truly owner finished. I was under the impression that the artwork was commisioned to a friend of his. Kind of the same as if you were to send your guitar out to Tonar for a finish. Just my 2 cents.
It was between him and a friend who is not into the professional guitar finishing business.

That's correct - it was me and my bass player.  bass player is not a painter by trade - she's an interior designer.  Job was not commissioned.

Don't be dissing my guitar you, you, you guitar dissers you!

Well I voted for it.....I'm just sayin