

who should win

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I think Jalane's Jazzmaster is a great guitar that was very well executed. Looks great for a home finish with classic looks. But it's not everybody's idea of what they would want. And that doesn't make it wrong. Why everybody is getting twisted up over nothing, once again is beyond me.  :icon_scratch:
I suspect you're taking this all way too seriously. Nobody dislikes a Jazzmaster. We're just having fun.
Death by Uberschall said:
Cagey said:
I suspect you're taking this all way too seriously. Nobody dislikes a Jazzmaster. We're just having fun.
Maybe so.  :icon_scratch:
Well, what's not to like about a massive, heavy amoeba-shaped body painted with surplus automotive colors, noisy single coil pickups, and a poorly designed vibrato system? You gotta love it, right?


I reckon so...

The groovy painted fender XII will have it's public debut at the Cornflower Blue CD release party this Saturday at Bass Line Station here in Ottawa.


Come on out and see just how wonderful this guitar looks and sounds.  I just spend the last 2 hours rehearsing with it, and it's an astounding instrument!
I voted for the Jazzmaster.......... -bodied XII.  :laughing3:  I love the flowers. And the tuners. And the decal. And the hockey stick headstock.
Cagey said:
Well, what's not to like about a massive, heavy amoeba-shaped body painted with surplus automotive colors, noisy single coil pickups, and a poorly designed vibrato system? You gotta love it, right?

Wait, i thought you liked strats?  :icon_biggrin:
I said "I reckon so"! Pay attention!

Doesn't matter, though. I've owned a bajillion guitars, and not a damn one of them made me sound like our dear, departed Stevie Ray Vaughn, may he rest in peace. So, I give up. I'm nearly 51 years old and getting pretty close to dead anyway, so maybe I'll just take up drums. That'll teach the neighbors a lesson <grin>
Cagey said:
I said "I reckon so"! Pay attention!

Doesn't matter, though. I've owned a bajillion guitars, and not a damn one of them made me sound like our dear, departed Stevie Ray Vaughn, may he rest in peace. So, I give up. I'm nearly 51 years old and getting pretty close to dead anyway, so maybe I'll just take up drums. That'll teach the neighbors a lesson <grin>

No dude, gotta take up Tuba or Accordion.

It's time for Beer Barrel Polka...

(PM sent)
OzziePete said:
jwl68th said:
Victorian style chairs get extra points!!

I thought poolside shots were the winners?  :dontknow:

If the votes for the XII don't start coming up, I'm going to whip out a pool shot on you-all  :headbang:
Interstate Joe said:
line6man said:
OzziePete said:
jwl68th said:
Victorian style chairs get extra points!!

I thought poolside shots were the winners?  :dontknow:

Nope. Ocean shots...

My pool is bigger than yours.

Crap, cant see the ocean from my apt...now I gotta haul Carmine a mile down to the beach.
At this point I don't think it really matters, looks like the jazzmaster is going to take the win.... :dontknow:
Interstate Joe said:
line6man said:
OzziePete said:
jwl68th said:
Victorian style chairs get extra points!!

I thought poolside shots were the winners?  :dontknow:

Nope. Ocean shots...

My pool is bigger than yours.

Crap, cant see the ocean from my apt...now I gotta haul Carmine a mile down to the beach.

Well hell, I'll cut you a deal.

You can send me your bass and I'll take a picture just like my winning shot.

You pay the shipping both ways, and I'll hold onto the bass for a few years before I send it back. I guarantee it will win you the GoTM.
Sound good?
Damn, I guess I should have taken pics of my strat next to the swamp, er, wetlands in our back yard? No wonder I didn't win!