It's best to load them to a third party image host, then copy and paste the tag with the "img" in it. Also, posting in the appropriate thread is not a bad idea. Welcome.
You have to put any image you want to link to on a publicly available server. You can't link to images on your local HDD unless it's part of an addressable domain. Once you've done that, then there's an icon up in the editing header directly to the left of the icon that looks like a half-assed picture of Earth. That will put a bastardized form of HTML "image" tags around any address you have highlighted. So, the sequence is:
Get an address to an image
Copy that address to the clipboard (Ctrl-C)
Paste it into your message (Ctrl-V)
Highlight the address
Click on the "image" icon
Poof! You're a programmer! Ask for a raise! <grin>
Incidentally, this is the wrong folder to post this sort of thing in anyway. If you go back to the main page, you'll see a list of folders toward the bottom that are organized by instrument type. Pick whichever one is appropriate for what you've got to show off, and we'll make fun of it there <grin>
I wouldn't call the sequence I laid out "overly complicated", since it's essentially the same thing, but your way IS simpler. Either way will work, so we're still good.
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