

who should win

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Orpheo's all the way here. I like Jazzmasters but I really can't stand tortoiseshell :tard:
It was tight for me, but I went for Doug's Billy-Bo.  Mayfly's XII  is a VERY close 2nd.  
There are some great guitars in the running.  My personal fav's are the Tonar strat (loooovvvvvvee the Mary Kaye with the Birdseye neck!!!), the Billy Bo and Orpheo's paul.  I also really like the idea of an Electric XII with lipstick pups, i bet that thing sounds sweet. 

Of course, there is a certain seafoam green jazzmaster that i'm partial to...  :icon_biggrin:
I had to go with mayfly on this one... partly because I'm thinking my next Warmoth build could be a 12 string... if I don't go with the 7/8 strat, or the Bigsby equipped Jag, or, um, I dunno.

It was close between that and a few others but in the end it's the one I thought was pretty cool.
I had to go with Jalane. How could I not, if I loved the seafoam/tortoise shell combo enough to choose it as the colour scheme for my own guitar? Plus I think it looks even cooler on a Jazzmaster. But the competition was definitely tight again this month. Some excellent candidates here. :icon_thumright:
:icon_scratch: Why isn't mayfly winning?

Whenever its owner finished, I usually vote for the one that looks like it has the most work put into it or the one with the most unique/unusual finish for a guitar...no offense, but jalane's has been done a thousand times on a Jazzmaster, kind of typical.
Rouse said:
:icon_scratch: Why isn't mayfly winning?

Whenever its owner finished, I usually vote for the one that looks like it has the most work put into it or the one with the most unique/unusual finish for a guitar...no offense, but jalane's has been done a thousand times on a Jazzmaster, kind of typical.

Still my favorite; the one I'd most like to own.

Rouse said:
Whenever its owner finished, I usually vote for the one that looks like it has the most work put into it or the one with the most unique/unusual finish for a guitar...no offense, but jalane's has been done a thousand times on a Jazzmaster, kind of typical.


Sorry, but I just don't see the appeal of that guitar as an owner-finished Guitar of The Month. It's ordinary.

I voted for InterstateJoe's Jazz bass.
Marko's and Luke's Strats are both very tempting though.
Rouse said:
:icon_scratch: Why isn't mayfly winning?

Whenever its owner finished, I usually vote for the one that looks like it has the most work put into it or the one with the most unique/unusual finish for a guitar...no offense, but jalane's has been done a thousand times on a Jazzmaster, kind of typical.

I suspect that regardless of the category, most people look at the entries as a list of choices that if they could choose one from to buy given a zero-interest platinum Amex card that they never had to pay off. So, it comes down to appearance, practicality and emotional connection. My brother was here this weekend, and he'd have chosen the blue-ish green Jazzmaster, because that's what he busted his cherry on and so has a soft spot in his heart for that body style. Doesn't matter what putrid color it is or the ridiculous control scheme or that it's an ugly body style. It has a special place in his heart. It doesn't hurt that the example of that design this month is especially well done. But, I wouldn't vote for the thing in a million years. The only way I'd appreciate such a guitar is if I was in prison and had no choice. Not saying it's a bad guitar at all - it's certainly not - but it doesn't appeal to me so it's unlikely I'm going to choose such a fiddle, given a choice. A jazzmaster is a jazzmaster, and a jaguar is a jaguar, but a Strat is a person <grin>

When you get right down to it, this is more a marketing survey than anything else. That is, it's a popularity contest. You're shown a group of 10 to 12 different fiddles, and asked which one you'd want. Is it any wonder then that the Warmoth Showcase is mostly filled with Strat bodies, followed by Telecaster bodies? Although, I suspect the carved VIP bodies would be a lot more popular if they didn't have such a ridiculous premium price on them. It's like they're made of precious unobtanium or something. I mean, fer crissakes - it's an exaggerated Strat. Why does that mean it has to cost $750 instead of $350?
Cagey said:
Rouse said:
:icon_scratch: Why isn't mayfly winning?

Whenever its owner finished, I usually vote for the one that looks like it has the most work put into it or the one with the most unique/unusual finish for a guitar...no offense, but jalane's has been done a thousand times on a Jazzmaster, kind of typical.

I suspect that regardless of the category, most people look at the entries as a list of choices that if they could choose one from to buy given a zero-interest platinum Amex card that they never had to pay off. So, it comes down to appearance, practicality and emotional connection. My brother was here this weekend, and he'd have chosen the blue-ish green Jazzmaster, because that's what he busted his cherry on and so has a soft spot in his heart for that body style. Doesn't matter what putrid color it is or the ridiculous control scheme or that it's an ugly body style. It has a special place in his heart. It doesn't hurt that the example of that design this month is especially well done. But, I wouldn't vote for the thing in a million years. The only way I'd appreciate such a guitar is if I was in prison and had no choice. Not saying it's a bad guitar at all - it's certainly not - but it doesn't appeal to me so it's unlikely I'm going to choose such a fiddle, given a choice. A jazzmaster is a jazzmaster, and a jaguar is a jaguar, but a Strat is a person <grin>

When you get right down to it, this is more a marketing survey than anything else. That is, it's a popularity contest. You're shown a group of 10 to 12 different fiddles, and asked which one you'd want. Is it any wonder then that the Warmoth Showcase is mostly filled with Strat bodies, followed by Telecaster bodies? Although, I suspect the carved VIP bodies would be a lot more popular if they didn't have such a ridiculous premium price on them. It's like they're made of precious unobtanium or something. I mean, fer crissakes - it's an exaggerated Strat. Why does that mean it has to cost $750 instead of $350?

GOOD ONE!!! ..lol ....I would love to own a knock off Gibson, but considering they arnt the same specs as far as bridge placement etc...it takes away some of my desire to buy not to mention the UN Obtanium price that goes along with those bodies as welll..  and ...they do have a strat bolt on neck which is fine, if it would still use the gibson scale length or the bridge parts would look gibson when placed but to no avail, for some reason the stop bar is further back etc...its a Fender site for the most part, so to the Strat go the Glories.....
My cherry popped all over jalane and his jazzmaster.  There's just something about ugly colors and over-the-top wiring... my girl body can't help it.  Really though, I hate jalane for what he's done here: Entered a complete sex machine into a silly marketing survey.  Worst of all is how ordinary it is.  Everywhere I look there are lefty seafoam green jazzmasters.  Makes me sick.  Come up with something original one time, guy.  They're so common that Fender can't make enough lefty jazzmaster bridges (!!!demand is so high they practically sell right off the line!!!).  Ah well... it's not like I think the guitar is a bad guitar - I just think it's a bad guitar.  I'll probably stick to being extraordinary and build a strat (a person really) - Something people rarely do.
Rouse said:
:icon_scratch: Why isn't mayfly winning?

Whenever its owner finished, I usually vote for the one that looks like it has the most work put into it or the one with the most unique/unusual finish for a guitar...no offense, but jalane's has been done a thousand times on a Jazzmaster, kind of typical.

Isn't the point to just vote for the one you like best? No one should have to defend their choice in a contest like this.  :dontknow:
Although I dig Mayfly's flowery axe and BillyBo I gotta go with my "sinister" (left-handed) brotha here cuz
it's just too groovy:

Voyager said:
Everywhere I look there are lefty seafoam green jazzmasters.  Makes me sick.  Come up with something original one time, guy.  They're so common that Fender can't make enough lefty jazzmaster bridges (!!!demand is so high they practically sell right off the line!!!).


That was so funny I shot rum 'n' coke outta my nose!  (well, pretend rum n coke - I'm at work)

Yes, everytime I walk into a guitar store, there's that *lefty* seafoam green jazzmaster, staring back at me!   :icon_jokercolor:

*disclaimer: I am a lefty
I voted for that lefty Jazzmaster, because it's absolutely classy as all get out, and a fine finishing job.  If Mayfly had a decent pickguard on that thing, maybe I'd have voted differently!  Just kidding; there were many amazing entries this month.

Rouse said:
Whenever its owner finished, I usually vote for the one that looks like it has the most work put into it or the one with the most unique/unusual finish for a guitar...no offense, but jalane's has been done a thousand times on a Jazzmaster, kind of typical.

I know you meant no offense, but to dog my guitar (or any guitar, it just happened to be mine) right after saying you "vote for the one that looks like it has the most work into it" kind of implies that you don't think i put much work into the finish, no? I wish i had taken pics of all of the blisters that were on my hand after spending 8 hours (not at all exaggerating) wetsanding the clear coats.  I put a good solid 5 months of my life into the finishing process for the body & neck, regardless of whether or not it's "kind of typical" (btw Really??! you've seen seafoam done a thousand times on a jazzmaster?!  i'd love to see where you go guitar shopping)

Anyway, my point is, there is no need to dis the work of others simply because it's not your personal style. It's a guitar of the month competition, not a presidential election. 

That being said, I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that Joe the Plumber approves of my jazzmaster...  :icon_jokercolor:
Well "jalane" (if that is your real name), I'm going to go rogue here and say that your guitar looks like a real monster.  Honestly, let's stop spending so much time debating it.  Denying the nastiness of your greenmachine is really an obamanation!  Socialist.  I would probably like your guitar more if the headstock finish matched the body's.