hannaugh said:
Competitions are not 100% fair EVER, but they are a hell of a lot more fair than random chance any day of the week.
How could
anything be MORE fair than something TOTALLY RANDOM? Sorry Hannaugh, but I don't get your logic on this at all.
Personally, I agree with most of the points people have made about a design contest - there's definitely not going to be an equal chance for anyone to win. I think that's a given.
That being said, I don't think that's a flaw. That's the difference between a contest and a
drawing (I don't know what all this "raffle" talk is about cough cough)
Now the title of the thread clearly states "Instead of a raffle." So it's not hard to understand why people might think "Hey, you're taking away my chance at winning something" if you replace the drawing which, as far I understand, is still only going to be held once a year unless a different consensus has been reached.
All that being said, if you want to have a contest in addition to the existing drawing, and it doesn't jeopardize the opportunity for anyone to win their dream guitar in said drawing, then have fun. Whoever wants to do it will participate and nobody will twist your arm to make you.
People's resistance to this idea is not that it's a bad idea, but that they feel like they are having THEIR chance at winning taken away - whereas Hannaugh, you sound like you basically want to do it because it will increase your chance of winning. (and I don't mean this as an attack or to be personal or rude, I promise. no disrespect)
Does that make sense?