
Instead of a raffle

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yeah, it sounds like it's getting a bit hairy.
I like the idea of judges - but if you're going to have judges you have to really set a few categories or parameters that should be judged objectively as possible. Otherwise it's just a handful of people going with their taste - and I don't think anyone would think that's more fair than an open vote.

what cost are we looking at to enter this? I am getting the impression overall participation would be much lower, which means you're going to have to charge more if anyone's gonna build a guitar out of this
Let's customize guitars and basses and not trick up contests or drawings.  What was wrong with a drawing?  You bought a ticket(s), you had a chance to win.  Now there's the possibility of impartiality of judges and who gets to judge and how many posts you have to have to enter.  I could see eventually calling into question what a post is.  Is a post considered a sentence, paragraph, or the act of quoting and adding an emoticon?
Nothing is wrong with a drawing.  We're not talking about a drawing. 

I used to compete in online art competitions all the time.  Participants entered and rated others' entries.  The top ones won $1000.  I never won, but I entered all the time.  It wasn't a big deal, and it was a lot of fun.  Just because I didn't win, it doesn't mean my artwork was bad, or even that the winner had a better design than me, and I never took it that way.  People just liked a different piece better than mine at the time.  I never complained about not winning, and I never bitched about the winner being picked for their "popularity".  It never occurred to me to be pissed off that someone was "walking away with $1000".  One guy won the contest 32 times (it is weekly), and I still didn't care. 

I guess because I've had my artwork in judged competitions my whole life, I never thought that anyone would think that competing in an artistic field was wrong, or somehow places more value on one person over another.  All of my experience in creative competition has been positive.  One time I won a scholarship, and that was pretty cool.  Many times I didn't win, but I learned something in working on my entry, or I learned something from other entries.  I was never into sports or math or anything else, and if the environment I was in had insisted on banning creative competitions because some people "have an edge" or because "art can't be judged", I would have missed out on some great things and probably would have never met some cool people I know. 

I like guitars, so I thought it would be fun to combine the guitar design element with the online art contests I used to do, and I figured since we did the drawings before and didn't have any major setbacks, we could do it.  I thought it would be fun to watch some crazy fantasy guitar get built with the prize money. 

If everyone is going to freak out about it and spend their whole time bitching about how stuff isn't fair, then we might as well quit now.  I know that it can work and does work on some websites.  But somehow I have a feeling that we're going to have hundreds of rules by the time this is over, each one excluding another person who disagrees with something, until we get down to five people wanting to do it and a huge group of people grumbling and harassing the people who actually want to have fun because for some reason, the people who make it clear they don't want to have anything to do with it insist on imposing their will on those who like the idea.  That's kind of why I only wanted participants to vote, because you just know the people who say "This is an awful idea, you're getting scammed" will be the first to line up to vote on it. 

I hand my idea to you guys.  You're never going to come up with a 100% unbiased, fool-proof, perfect system.  Such a system has yet to be invented for creative competition, kind of like how you can never get your house completely germ-free.  Somehow we still manage to live with it and enjoy these types of things (and our at least somewhat germy homes) because we do the best we can. 

If you figure out a way to do it without the non-participants trying to ruin it for people who want to compete, let me know.  If you find a way to do it without people whining and crying because they can't handle the idea of not winning, PM me.  I will gladly enter the contest. 

I'm taking a break from the forum for a while.  I have a bunch of stuff I need to do over the summer.  I'm trying to get into a gallery in the fall, so I have a lot of work to do on my current painting series.  I'm working on some recordings and two ukulele projects.  This thread has been far more insane than I originally anticipated, and it's conversations like these that I get sucked into and waste a lot of my time that could be better spent doing something productive.  Somewhere between the thinly veiled personal accusations against me, the cowardly passive-aggressive jabs at GOTM, and the absurd amount of idealism against competition, I decided I probably have better things to do. 

If anyone needs me, send me a PM.  It will go to my email and I can get back to you. 

Peace out.  I love you guys.  Well, most of you. 
the only I can see having participants vote is they have to vote more than once. They can vote once for themselves and once for someone else. Seem pretty fair to me.
hannaugh said:
If everyone is going to freak out about it and spend their whole time bitching about how stuff isn't fair, then we might as well quit now.

Let's review the facts first before you make incorrect statements (like the above) about other forumites.

Who's actually bitching about how stuff isn't fair, and who wanted to change the current format (random chance) because they didn't think it was fair:

hannaugh said:
I honestly don't believe I will ever win anything that is drawn at random because I have never won anything drawn at random.  I don't have the luck for that.

hannaugh said:
Competitions are not 100% fair EVER, but they are a hell of a lot more fair than random chance any day of the week.  


hannaugh said:
You're never going to come up with a 100% unbiased, fool-proof, perfect system.

Yes there is - it's called a random drawing.

But for whatever reason, you seem to think it isn't fair.

Like dNA said:

dNA said:
hannaugh said:
Competitions are not 100% fair EVER, but they are a hell of a lot more fair than random chance any day of the week.  

How could anything be MORE fair than something TOTALLY RANDOM? Sorry Hannaugh, but I don't get your logic on this at all.
I missed this whole thread..

I did read it all tho.

It has inspired me to write this text based song.

(You can set it to any music you want.)


Come on guys..

Come on.
You asked for opinions in the very first post. Not everyone likes the idea and those opinions were represented. It shouldn't be such a big deal that the idea hasn't been unanimously approved.
hahahaha :laughing7:

I think eventually there should be a thread about this where people not interested in participating should uh... not participate. :laughing7:
trying... so hard... not to respond to this thread anymore...
must... just let it die...
i guess many here dont enjoy the spirit of competition. it's not about fairness at all, dont make it about that. not a single person suggested a replacement for the raffle so anyone that wants to take a random chance can enjoy that. this is for those who want to put there designs up to be judged. people fight professionally and play sports. they do what they love and compete against others that do and love the same thing. there are superior athletes, but that doesn't stop the competition, athletes dont say "that guy has money for better trainers and nutritionists, it's not fair so we should have a raffle for the championship" why should we?

in this i dont think we will see the same winner all the time, for one will this years winner (assuming it happens) even feel the need to compete for next year? and we all have different taste, and our taste is often changing, active members change all the time, some take time off new members show up, that changes the competition and the judging.
line6man said:
It's probably a better idea to let this thread sink to the bottom of the page, but come on SL, you know damn well what we're talking about.
You knew exactly "what Hannaugh was up to posting this thread", so don't pretend to be clueless.

So, you're saying you approve of her last post where she trashes members who disagree with her idea?

Kublai said:
You asked for opinions in the very first post. Not everyone likes the idea and those opinions were represented. It shouldn't be such a big deal that the idea hasn't been unanimously approved.

^ and it shouldn't be such a big deal... if the idea was offered with sincere intent.  The other thing being, no one is stopping a competition from happening.

Some of us like the idea, some don't...  and we voiced our reasons why.  BIG DEAL.

It's a big world, and not everyone is going to agree with you.  End of story.  I really shouldn't have to spell this out for anyone.
ok, i wrote a long response and then the site bugged out on me and didn't work.... so i'm forcing myself to stop discussing this topic.

though a quick summary: you can't compare a design competition to sports. it's not remotely the same kind of terms. Design and creativity are subjective - in sports there are definite predifined and objective terms upon which a person does or doesn't win. If you're going to set those kinds of terms for a design contest, then people will all be trying to make the same instrument, not their own design. Know what i mean?
trashed? she said people freaked out and well you are freaking out. everything else was in defence of her integrity and the idea of competition and from those who trashed her and her idea (cough couch) and said it was a scam desighed to benifit her since her designs are so loved (cough) maybe her name wasnt used but there was no atempt to be discreet.

but ya know what forget i said that, f#@$ it, i said i was out, then there was some hope but this time im out of this thread till another one is started on this topic. good buy
Superlizard said:
line6man said:
It's probably a better idea to let this thread sink to the bottom of the page, but come on SL, you know damn well what we're talking about.
You knew exactly "what Hannaugh was up to posting this thread", so don't pretend to be clueless.

So, you're saying you approve of her last post where she trashes members who disagree with her idea?

I had chosen to delete that post shortly after posting, because I don't want to keep this thread going and give more fuel to feed the fire.
This post will be my last in this thread.

You were asked to stop by Max, and you acted clueless about what you were doing.
I point out the fact that you know exactly what you are doing, so now you change the subject to whether or not I'm agreeing with Hannaugh.
I don't play games with people, so I'm done with this thread.

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