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This is what always happens when you vote in reps from that side of the fence:
I feel sorry for youse New Yorkers... you poor bastards. Un****ing-believable.
This is what always happens when you vote in reps from that side of the fence:
Gov. David Paterson unveils dire New York State budget that includes new taxes, layoffs and cuts
ALBANY - Gov. Paterson's proposed $121 billion budget hits New Yorkers in their iPods - and nickels-and-dimes them in lots of other places, too.
Trying to close a $15.4 billion budget gap, Paterson called for 88 new fees and a host of other taxes, including an "iPod tax" that taxes the sale of downloaded music and other "digitally delivered entertainment services."
"We're going to have to take some extreme measures," Paterson said Tuesday after unveiling the slash-and-burn budget.
The proposal, which needs legislative approval, did not include broad-based income tax increases, but relied on smaller ones to raise $4.1 billion from cash-strapped New Yorkers.
Movie tickets, taxi rides, soda, beer, wine, cigars and massages would be taxed under Paterson's proposal. It also extends sales taxes to cable and satellite TV services and removes the tax exemption for clothes costing less than $110.
"The governor is nickel-and-diming working class families," said Ron Deutsch, executive director of New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness, an advocacy group.
State Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long warned that reinstating the sales tax on clothing and shoes will drive people to New Jersey, where they will also gas up their cars and pick up their wine, spirits and soda because the prices are less due to lower taxes. "You're sending notice to the people of New York that we really don't want you here," Long said. "The governor proposed flat spending, but why not actually cut the budget before raising taxes and fees?"
Paterson's 2009-10 budget proposal represents only a 1% increase in total spending from this year's budget - the smallest increase in a dozen years. It also calls for:
* A 3.3%, or $698 million, reduction in school aid.
* $3.5 billion in health care savings, including reductions in payments to hospitals and nursing homes.
* Video slot machines at Belmont Park, more multistate lottery games and expanded hours for the state's Quick Draw lottery game.
* Layoffs for 521 state workers and the elimination of seven state agencies.
"This is where we are," Paterson told reporters. "Maybe we should have thought about this when we were depending on what we thought was inexhaustive collections of taxes from Wall Street - and now those taxes have fallen off a cliff."
Paterson aides say the budget represents a net gain for New York City, but Mayor Bloomberg wasn't buying it. He said it could cost the city more than $1 billion, including a $600 million reduction in school aid.
"I don't know that 100% of it is going to go the classroom, but a large percentage of any reduction we get from the state will go to the classroom," Bloomberg said. "That will mean larger class sizes and fewer services."
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Cankles Dec 17, 2008 8:52:52 AM Report Offensive Post
no AZVet, don't rescind your offer, please...I think I'm moving to (gulp) New Jersey, then will eventually make my way out west... I don't understand how on Earth the Governor can INCREASE SPENDING in this time and just push the extra bill off on Residents of NY. I didn't vote this guy into office, he's only there because the guy that was voted in couldn't keep his pants on (insert but he kept his socks on joke here). This obesity tax is just more of the gov't telling us what we can and can't do, if we want to be fat and unhealthy, let us be fat and unhealthy, just make it so that fat people have to pay more healthcare (they do a little already, "Higher Risk"), 2 seats on planes, etc and it will figure itself out, same thing they do with Smokers now....
paidman Dec 17, 2008 8:53:03 AM Report Offensive Post
Democrats have been running our inner-cities for the past 30 to 40 years, and blacks are still complaining about the same problems. More than $7 trillion dollars have been spent on poverty programs since Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty with little, if any, impact on poverty. Diabolically, every election cycle, Democrats blame Republicans for the deplorable conditions in the inner-cities, then incite blacks to cast a protest vote against Republicans.
Adam Bomb 1701 Dec 17, 2008 8:54:57 AM Report Offensive Post
One thing that was not listed here, but was by another paper, is a $10 filing fee if you file a paper tax return, instead of e-filing. Ridiculous. What else will they think of? Talk about nickel-and-diming.
MaJean52 Dec 17, 2008 8:58:36 AM Report Offensive Post
I would like to know Y our elected officials are not taking a pay cut? If they and the CEO's who are making six figures and more, Y are they not cutting their pay checks, but expect us the middle class and lower to just keep paying and paying. Its time for our elected officials in all facets of government, high government and local government officials to take pay cuts. >
imdatcat Dec 17, 2008 9:01:50 AM Report Offensive Post
So glad the recent elections brought attention to the middle class. We get NO BREAKS. Not poor enough to receive assistance, not rich enough to afford luxuries. These taxes are ridiculous. That one commenter was right... Americans won't get off their lazy butts and fight against these kinds of things. I don't mind paying my fair share, but putting taxes on things that the government doesn't ven pay for like digital downloads and movie tickets is ridiculous. They're already taxing those companies. Why do they need to DOUBLE TAX everything. One transaction, they tax the seller AND the consumer. How is this fair ???
thefrontlinecoalition Dec 17, 2008 9:02:08 AM Report Offensive Post
No, the budget isn’t as bad as previous years, when spending increased between 7-8%. But, it’s still a spending increase from last year. I’m sorry, but enough with the rhetoric. Reducing the growth of spending, isn’t the same as reducing spending. If an average person spending beyond their means faces economic hardship, they reduce their overall consumption to what they can afford. They don’t decide to just to spend a little less beyond their means. But that’s the thing. Economic hardships forces taxpayers to tighten their belts. To bad, New York state government doesn’t understand basic financial principles. That’s the reason we have a $15 billion deficit. That’s the reason we are $55 billion dollars and debt (and growing by the day). That’s the reason we continue to elect liberals into office. Wait, tell me again why we continue to do that? -J.Burke The Home of the New York Conservative Blogger
kimmy61 Dec 17, 2008 9:07:07 AM Report Offensive Post
Hey Laughable, you don't have to be a genius to fix this economy, just use some common sense. Keep the government out of it. This idiot has the fix for the Big 3's financial problems, fire the UAW. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that if you are spending $70 an hour for benefits and wages and your competitor is spending $39 you are not going to compete. Giving them money to continue the same wage practices will not fix the problem. No UAW and new management. But the UAW donated 360 million to the last campaign, so aint going to happen. All companies that are unionized are going out of business or struggling to compete. Look no further than the airline industry. Dah.....
Taxpoor Dec 17, 2008 9:11:04 AM Report Offensive Post
Your Gov. Paterson needs to put a high tax on everyone that wants to leave and move south. I say come on down spend your money, enjoy the sights, have a good time then go back home. We like our life style. Our taxes are high enough we don't need ya'll coming down trying to fix things. If it is so great up north you would not want to move. Dad all ways said "you make your bed you lie in it."
Fahynoe Dec 17, 2008 9:16:41 AM Report Offensive Post
How come the politicians pensions are tax exempt. When no one else's is. If they were to pay their fair share of taxes,(ex-Governor Spitzer's pension is tax exempt in New York state) there would be no need to raise taxes. if every body pay their fair share
psycward101 Dec 17, 2008 9:17:40 AM Report Offensive Post
I have had it! I am leaving NYS . The last one the leave NYS please turn off the LIGHTS!
I feel sorry for youse New Yorkers... you poor bastards. Un****ing-believable.