Headed to the Showcase - Back Color?


Hero Member
Staff member
Check this out! We can't decide on whether to leave the Swamp Ash Back Clear or go Trans Blue. What say you?
It has cream binding that I think would look really good if the back was blue. Don't you think the colors on top would stand out better and at a higher contrast if the back were blue?
Gregg said:
Check this out! We can't decide on whether to leave the Swamp Ash Back Clear or go Trans Blue. What say you?


its the dutch flag! and if its orange, its our national bannercolor. oh damn I need this telecaster BAD.
I didn't realize there was cream binding.  I think the blue would look good then.  The binding will provide a good separation from the top and back.
Yeah!  Let's see the back in question!  Leaning toward blue here, also!
jackthehack said:
... isn't Buck Owens dead?


And that is the only build that I would ever consider using a neck with star inlays.

Blue or clear would both be OK, but I would lean towards clear.
jackthehack said:
Lets see a pic of the back; leaning towards blue; isn't Buck Owens dead?
Buck dead?! Them's fighten' words!
Greg,  do you know how they stained the two colors without bleeding into the clear?

Do you seal the clear, and then stain the blue and red?

Clear.....is my vote, as it has blue on the front. Now Gregg get one done in the Texas flag with a double hum rear route for a floyd and you gotta sale......
Uff-Da said:
Greg,  do you know how they stained the two colors without bleeding into the clear?

Do you seal the clear, and then stain the blue and red?


Looks like they finished clear, then masked and added trans blue/trans red; would mask back, shoot trans blue and top everything with gloss top coat.

Who are you kidding, Gregg, you'll wind up with that one, too...
DangerousR6 said:
Clear.....is my vote, as it has blue on the front. Now Gregg get one done in the Texas flag with a double hum rear route for a floyd and you gotta sale......
no, orange back!!!!


laat de leeuw niet in z'n hempie staan, he marko? (dont let the lion stand alone in his fight;loosely translated!)


je maintaindrai is by the way: I will maintain. our dutch Crest.
