
Flipping the coin: Great guitar tones

Yeah David Gilmour makes me sick how amazing his tone is, especially on Dark Side of the Moon.  I love Jimi on Voodoo Child and Redhouse.  There are a lot of Muse songs that have amazing tone in my opinion.  I love Muscle Museum especially, but there are a lot of great sounding guitar tones in their body of work.  Back in Black of course.  Oh and let me see... EVERY Queen song.  There's just something about Queen that is totally awe-inspiring to me.  Led Zeppelin's I Can't Quit You Baby and Whole Lotta Love.  I love Johnny Marr's sound and playing in the last few Modest Mouse albums.  And even though they aren't the greatest musicians in the world, I think Spoon are mixing geniuses, at least on Girls Can Tell, Kill the Moonlight, and Gimme Fiction.  I started listening to them around when I was taking an audio design class, and they still amaze me in their recording creativity and ability to find exactly the right sound for every song, plus adding subtle sound effects at just the right time.

Some random ones:

Belle & Sebastian - Sukie in the Graveyard guitar solo.  It's the ringtone on my cell
Ween - Buckingham Green guitar solo is one of my all time favorites
The Magic Numbers - The Mule

Guilty pleasure:  Journey - Any Way You Want It... I like the guitar solo a lot actually...

There are a lot of bands I listen to more for the orchestration than anything else, but I'm not as into all guitar-driven bands
as some of you guys.  I play guitar because I like the experience of playing guitar more than the sound.  Not that I don't like
the sound, I love it.  But I think my favorite instruments to listen to are violin and cello.  I also love the sound of the organ.  That's
why most of my favorites are huge bands with lots of instruments.  My favorite sound ever is Andrew Bird playing violin
through that crazy horn amp and whistling through the Janus.  Nothing else sounds like it, and it is really amazing. There are also
some Arcade Fire songs that kill me how gorgeous the orchestration is, like Intervention with it's choir and church organ and string section.

But I digress...
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Marko said:
there is some really great strat sound on Robert Plant's Fate of Nations.. I am not sure who played it, but I think it may be a someone who died recently..

Brittany Murphy?

I looked it up... his name is (or was)  Kevin Scott MacMichael, canadian guitaris, formerly of cutting crew  :tard: this must be the same guy as "I just died in your arms tonight" I Guess...
My tone heroes are Pete Townshend, Angus and Malcolm Young, Billy Gibbons, etc.  Mostly Gibsons into cranked Marshalls.

Also, Hendrix.
Wow, I must be old, I'll add some fogeys (liek me) to the list:

Robin Trower - Bridge of Sighs (Anything of Trower Really)
Alvin Lee - The Bluest Blues
Ronnie Montrose - Voyager (Gamma 2)
David Gilmour - Time (Anything DG plays but he pegged the "tone" in Time's Solo)
Dick Dale - Nitro
Frank Marino - I'm a King Bee
Lifeson on most of Rush's work, even during his Strat/GK era
Howe, like Lifeson, just about everything
The Edge "I Will Follow" , "Pride", others
Iommi Paranoid and Sabotage albums
Gilmour, everything, especially "Comfortably Numb"
Vernon Reid Time's Up album, though I love all of his work
Randy, his live sound was tits, not even counting the official live release, which I think was re-amped anyway
Mike Stern
John McLaughlin
From previous listings, I have to conclude that Duane Allman is the most-underestimated guitarist on the forum. Only here, anyplace else they can tell that that Les Paul/Marshall combo CAME from him. Well, Clapton & Green too, but then Clappie went Fender and he's never been the same since. And Green went crazy... mebbe he shoulda tried a Strat?  :icon_scratch: Allman Brothers Live at the Fillmore - "You Don't Love Me, Stormy Monday, Whipping Post, yum. It's like chocolate-covered fire. There's an even better concert at sugarmegs.org, it's not a great tape, but it's just better.

Duane didn't crank it enough.  Though he does have great tone, sweet OD.  Can be heard on any Allman bros tune and also similar tone on most Skynyrd tracks.
Whipping Post is such a great song... I just haven't listened to them in a long time.  I had a bunch of their albums on vinyl, but alas, my record player broke.  :sad:

The solo in this song is the goal of my life (tone-wise). Personally, I like my tone about as much as Sabora's so, yeah, I'm a tone snob for my own tone.  :dontknow:
I also love anything AC/DC, Zeppelin, or Floyd tone-wise and can take some Edge (Joshua Tree era, at least before he started adding all this extra crap... AC30 and delay... all you really need)


I'd say you mix those two videos together and you've got me, style and tone. Throw in some Page and you're set. Maybe a Whole Lotta Page.  :icon_thumright:
Anything by John Sykes - Tygers of Pan Tang to the solo stuff...
Tygers, 1981 -

Whitesnake, 1987 (although not in the vid because he'd fallen out with Coverdale by then) -

Solo - Jelly Roll, incredible trademark vibrato in the electric section at the end

Another vote for Fair Warning Eddie. The intro to that song is incredible.

Anything by David Gilmour.

Blackmore's solo tone on this (3:40 onwards)

Knopfler on Brothers in Arms. Restrained and powerful.
DangerousR6 said:

YES!!!!!! Green Jelly. you called it on that one.  :icon_thumright: hahah

but uhh good tone...good tone....

skip to 3:40 to hear quintessential screaming, visceral, jet plane-esque guitar goodness.