
FB Radius 12" or Compound Radius

Which one do you builders and buildrettes think is better?

  • 12" straight FB radius

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • 10" to 16" compound radius

    Votes: 20 95.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
IMHO, the compound radius is one of the many features that makes a Warmoth neck better than anything else... would never order a neck without it.

I didn't know what to expect from the compound radius. Now that I have one, I find that it feels no different but it plays much better than a straight radius neck. In other words, you won't have any difficulty adapting to it, but it facilitates easier playing.
What they said. There's just no choice. Compound radius, or sell it to someone clueless. It's one of those evolutionary things with guitars that needed to happen, like hum-cancelling pickups, locking tuners or urethane finishes. It's the state of the art. Anything less is a compromise.
At this moment the 12" on my short scale tele feels better than my 2 compound necks - but the other two guitars are in need of a setup.  If this is your first warmoth, which I believe it is, then go with the compound.  That's their secret sauce.
Hey everyone,

thanks a lot for your thoughts.

This is the e-mail I had sent:

Good afternoon Paul,
almost everybody in the UW-Forum is advising me to get the compound radius, so I really start to be in a dilemma.
Going through the necks you sell out of the showcase, the compound radius is the most dominant.
It makes me rethink a lot now. A friend of mine never had it before, ordered it and loved it. He extremely advised me to get it as well.
Is it possible to change the order - possibly without any extra cost?
Have a nice weekend,

The answer is as follows:

Looks like we caught it in time that we can make that change for you.  This time we can waive the $45 change fee.
Julia, I strongly recommend staying with the 12” radius unless you’ve played a compound radius neck and know you love it.  The neck we’re building for you is non-returnable, so if you don’t like the compound you will be stuck with it.  Many of the people on the forums are very knowledgeable and want to help you, but they don’t know what feels good to your hands.  Only you do.  I can make this change for you, but I suggest you be completely sure that’s what you want before we do.
After this, any change in the order will cost at least the $45 change fee.
I will need to hear back from you soon to make this change.  Let me know what you’d like me to do.

Paul K.

It was like after 11 pm over here when he wrote that mail. I was asleep. Dreaming about my guitar.
And then after 12 am following e-mail reached me (still dreaming).

We close for the weekend in about 2 hours.  I have to hear back from you on this by then or the neck will go back into production and we may not be able to avoid the $45 fee.

Paul K.

Pay an extra $ 45 since I can only reach him by Monday. I thought this Is it possible to change the order - possibly without any extra cost? was a clear statement.

$ 45 is a lot now, my account is already crying out loud, that I spend all this money.

You people have any thoughts on this?
The neck is unreturnable, due to all the extras.

Please all of you ease and soothe my mind. But an extra $ 45, I don't know.

juwel1998 said:
Hey everyone,

thanks a lot for your thoughts.

This is the e-mail I had sent:

Good afternoon Paul,
almost everybody in the UW-Forum is advising me to get the compound radius, so I really start to be in a dilemma.
Going through the necks you sell out of the showcase, the compound radius is the most dominant.
It makes me rethink a lot now. A friend of mine never had it before, ordered it and loved it. He extremely advised me to get it as well.
Is it possible to change the order - possibly without any extra cost?
Have a nice weekend,

The answer is as follows:

Looks like we caught it in time that we can make that change for you.  This time we can waive the $45 change fee.
Julia, I strongly recommend staying with the 12” radius unless you’ve played a compound radius neck and know you love it.  The neck we’re building for you is non-returnable, so if you don’t like the compound you will be stuck with it.  Many of the people on the forums are very knowledgeable and want to help you, but they don’t know what feels good to your hands.  Only you do.  I can make this change for you, but I suggest you be completely sure that’s what you want before we do.
After this, any change in the order will cost at least the $45 change fee.
I will need to hear back from you soon to make this change.  Let me know what you’d like me to do.

Paul K.

It was like after 11 pm over here when he wrote that mail. I was asleep. Dreaming about my guitar.
And then after 12 am following e-mail reached me (still dreaming).

We close for the weekend in about 2 hours.  I have to hear back from you on this by then or the neck will go back into production and we may not be able to avoid the $45 fee.

Paul K.

Pay an extra $ 45 since I can only reach him by Monday. I thought this Is it possible to change the order - possibly without any extra cost? was a clear statement.

$ 45 is a lot now, my account is already crying out loud, that I spend all this money.

You people have any thoughts on this?
The neck is unreturnable, due to all the extras.

Please all of you ease and soothe my mind. But an extra $ 45, I don't know.

If it will cost an extra $45 to change the order to specify a compound radius, you should just stick with what you have ordered. You will not be dissatisfied with the straight radius, assuming you are familiar with, and comfortable with 12" radii. It's just that many folks here would be a lot happier with compound radius necks than straight radii, when given the choice.

Hello line6man,

thanks for your thoughts on my dilemma.
Don't you think that my e-mail was a clear statement to change the order?

Yeah, I am comfi with straight 12" radius, but ORCRiST really advised me to get the compound radius.
I had called up W. Customer Service, had Paul on the line and he had advised me to stick with what I know.
And since I didn't have a chance try on one before buying, I started the poll.

Probably all of you didn't have any experience with the compound radius before, but still ordered it and were happy, right?

:icon_scratch: I'm slightly confused here ... Julia
Is this a poll or are you wanting to change your neck ?

juwel1998 said:
Don't you think that my e-mail was a clear statement to change the order?
Is it possible to change the order - possibly without any extra cost?

NO .... because you have only asked a question.

May-be should have said ... I'd like to change my order to .....Blar Blar Blar (if thats what you wanted to do)

FWIW Most of mine are compound radius, thou one is a straight 9 & 1/2''
All standard thin except one being a '59

Good luck  :icon_biggrin:
Hello Updown,

I wasn't quite sure, but ORCRiST advised me massively to do it, no mind the extra cost. But $ 45.00, I really don't
He (ORCRiST) suggested me to start a poll and then decide, the result will show.

you are sooooo right, that's what I should have said. My mistake. But English being a foreign language to me and here in Germany almost being around midnight, I was tired.

What does FWIW mean?

So did you have the chance to check out on a compound radius before or you just got it?
Do you like it?
In my situation now, would you pay the extra fee to get it?

Sorry, millions of questions.

FWIW = for what it's worth .... sorry about that  :icon_biggrin:

juwel1998 said:
So did you have the chance to check out on a compound radius before or you just got it?
Do you like it?
In my situation now, would you pay the extra fee to get it?

Sorry, millions of questions.
Questions are a good thing  :icon_thumright:

No, I never tried the compound radius before getting one .... just took the plunge !!
(after reading so much about them from others)
Yes I think they are great, very easy to play right up & down the neck ... very comfortable
Ummmm ... I probably would (but thats really up to you)

I 1st started using Gibson's 10'' -- 11'' ...
I find the 10'' -- 16'' of the Warmoth necks better than the Gibson necks. But thats just me !!

A straight 12'' is (I think) what Ibanez have ... Not positive on that thou.

Gee Wiz .... Wish I spoke German  :icon_biggrin:
Hey Updown,

hmm, the LP I'm having is a 12" straight radius and I like it, but it could be that my acoustic has the same 12" radius.
Since ORCRiST was trying to convice me about the CR, I started reading about it as well.
Everyone is sooo happy with it.
Is it easy to adapt to?  This is one of my fears, since I won't be able to return the neck at all.

Ooohhhh, Updown, no, you are definitly not the only one being sooooo happy with the Warmoth's CR.

Why do you wish you spoke German?
English is fine, too, don't you think?

SustainerPlayer said:

I used to have this ESP Navigator which I got a local luthier change from 9,5" to 12" radius and it was (is) a fantastic player.


But my Warmoth strat blew that competion away. Compound radius and raw Pau Ferro with Ebony finger board. So I sold off the ESP.


I have 5 Warmoth guitars now with raw compound radius necks. I wouldn't consider other options anymore.

Totally in love with the blue Strat!

I'm not sure whether I went with the compound radius or the standard radius.  I'll have to pull out my paperwork.  :tard:
Hey Torment Leaves Scars,

interesting, you getting mixed up with your own gear, had a great laugh when I read your post  :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :toothy12: :toothy12:

juwel1998 said:
Hey Torment Leaves Scars,

interesting, you getting mixed up with your own gear, had a great laugh when I read your post  :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :toothy12: :toothy12:


Yeah, I really didn't know too much about guitars when I purchased my parts.  I couldn't have even told you what a radius was, but I think I went with the compound.  :tard:

Yeah, I could kick myself for not knowing what the Hell I bought...  :cool01:
I went with compound radius having never played it/felt one before, and I love it, but I wouldn't worry about it if you're comfortable with a 12" radius. Compound radius is nice, but it's not life-changing. No matte which one you do you'll be happy with it.
@ TLS,

sorry, but always writing out your name is soooo long, and nervewrecking since at any time I come to the "Scars" the first time the "S" doesn't make it to be a capital letter.

I thought you might have checked your papers by now... :icon_tongue: :icon_tongue:

But it's all good. JULIA

@ NQbass,

thanks for your comment on this one. The first one being kind of neutral on that topic.
Seems like the majority is totally conviced about the CR neck.
