Today, I bought on the e-store a padouk/ebony neck and a wenge/ebony neck, both MOP dots, for, respectivly, 229 and 249 dollars, a les paul body, tobaccoburst and a les paul, quilt top cherry/fireburst, withall the hardware, pickups etc etc.
can someone tell me, if I bought it with the e-store, and subsequentially, its removed from the showcase, is it really MINE then?
(oh, the hardware will be gold, pickups for the fireburst BBQ set, and for the tobacco JB+jazz, gold too).
can someone tell me, if I bought it with the e-store, and subsequentially, its removed from the showcase, is it really MINE then?
(oh, the hardware will be gold, pickups for the fireburst BBQ set, and for the tobacco JB+jazz, gold too).