
Custom Laminated body.

Guys, what am I doing wrong?, I can never get the head bangers icon to come on when I talk to you guys . Do your tap on it or double tap?? Curious.
You single click on it. If that doesn't work, type the following code
You just click on it.

:headbanging: :headbanging: :headbanging: :headbanging: :headbanging: :headbanging:
Here is one half of the lap joint for panel # 5. Panel #6 will provide the other half .
Provides for a strong joint at the attachment point for the guitar strap.
One thing I wanted to mention.  This entire body has not metal fasteners at all within the cavities at all. Reason being , once the milling process begins, the mill knives can NOT come in contact with anything metal whatsoever.
    Hence the use of lap joints and heavy extreme pressure during the glueing process.
:)in case you guys are wondering, this is my 15 inch mill (planer) made by JET tool corporation.


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Once the body is done, it will be fitted with heavy pine runners glue on both sides.
This will act as guide rails for the mill to guide the body into the knife cutterhead.
    The knives are at saw shop now being sharpened to a razor's edge.
Latest panel installed yesterday.
Anticipation, like Heinz Ketchup,
Slow but good .
See ya, Jeff.


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:band:Oops, I mistakenly started another thread. Sorry.
Here is a list of lumbers in the body so far.


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4 new additions to the build:
    1) West African Limba
    2) African Mahogany
    3) South American  Mahogany
    4) Curly Makore
  Enjoy!! Jeff.
Having trouble with my internet,
I will get some more pics of the lumber later with a better signal.
Thanks!! Jeff