
Custom Laminated body.

49peterbilt said:
Hi guys, 
I got a nice surprise on Halloween!!
A used "Samick " brand stratocaster.

In the middle 90's I worked for a music store in southern Illinois. The owner would make a trip to St. Louis Musical Supply every month. He would buy whatever damaged, broken, or 2nd grade guitars they wanted to unload for cheap. Then he would have me fix them and sell them for half or less their normal price. I dealt with a lot of Samick made instruments there. Usually they were fairly well made and finished. At the time Samick was the largest guitar factory in Korea and made instruments for everybody else. Sometimes they sold some under their own name. From what I saw they did good work and made some nice guitars. They made quite a lot for Alvarez and Yamaha. That should be a nice Strat type, congrats on getting it. :icon_thumright:
Hi guys.  Been a while since I checked in.
Hope everyone is well. 
Stratocaster is close to being done. 
Covid-19 screwed things up for a lot of people.  Including myself.
This is a pic of the layout on the boogie body blank.
I'll keep ya posted!!


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These pics are from Doug's shop as of June 2021. These are the veneers that he installed on the belly side of the boogie body blank.  We lost 1/4 "inch of material in warpage and cupping due to humidity.
      The blank went thru a wide belt sander to get it true and perfectly flat. Once he accomplished that, the Mahogany and the Maple veneers were applied.
      Thanks for being patient!!
Pic is of Mahogany veneer.


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Veneers being used. Doug's luthier shop, Sharonville Ohio.


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I'm curious why you say Boogie Body as I believe Adam Reiver of FU-Tone currently has the license for that brand.
49peterbilt said:
We lost 1/4 "inch of material in warpage and cupping due to humidity. 

bro, the extremely bizarre way you glued all those pieces together in the first place didn't do the wood any favors, #justsaying. i do genuinely wish your project the best of luck. can't wait to see how it turns out in a couple years
BroccoliRob said:
can't wait to see how it turns out in a couple years

:icon_biggrin:  :toothy12: :icon_biggrin:  :toothy12: :icon_biggrin:  :toothy12: :icon_biggrin:

I know the OP deemed me "persona non grata" from this thread a while back.. but that literally made me LOL!  :occasion14: