I don't know how to define it, but I know it when I hear it. Usually, there's a lot of whining and crying about crap nobody wants to hear or gives a damn about. Of course, you could say that about a lot of music. But, with country, it's not just the poor babies that are whining and crying, it's built right into to the instruments. I mean, have you ever heard a pedal steel? Whiniest crybaby instrument ever invented. You hear one of those things and you just want to get drunk, smack somebody and tell them to STFU. Kinda like bagpipes or banjos. Who invented those, the devil? Can't imagine why anybody would want to listen to them on purpose. Perhaps if you were relegated to the 7th ring of hell, then it would understandable. You're supposed to be horribly punished for eternity there. But in real life? WTF?