I like Canary on CanaryCagey said:It's most likely going to be a Warmoth headstock. Which woods to use are what I keep changing my mind on. Since the body top is going to be a solid color, I can get a little fancy on the fretboard. So... light or dark? I love black Ebony, but the body's already gonna be kinda dark. I'm not finding much in the "Unique Choice" section that turns me on as far as other woods are concerned. My latest settling point is on a Canary/Canary part. There's some unique pieces of that I like, and they're almost golden, which will go along with the cream binding and gold hardware, as well as matching up nicely with the dark green top.
Picture this with cream binding, no inlays, gold frets and a Warmoth headstock against a dark green body...
What could possibly be wrong with that?
Cagey said:It's most likely going to be a Warmoth headstock. Which woods to use are what I keep changing my mind on. Since the body top is going to be a solid color, I can get a little fancy on the fretboard. So... light or dark? I love black Ebony, but the body's already gonna be kinda dark. I'm not finding much in the "Unique Choice" section that turns me on as far as other woods are concerned. My latest settling point is on a Canary/Canary part. There's some unique pieces of that I like, and they're almost golden, which will go along with the cream binding and gold hardware, as well as matching up nicely with the dark green top.
Picture this with cream binding, no inlays, gold frets and a Warmoth headstock against a dark green body...
What could possibly be wrong with that?
Or you're a Leprechaun.. :icon_biggrin:Cagey said:Thanks! I'm afraid I can't wear the shoes, though, what with my being male and all. Men should never wear green. It is written.
Although, exceptions can be made for golf.
Very fitting, and as I work for the U.S. Air Force, I can totally agree with that.. :icon_thumright:Bagman67 said:Or a servicemember. Army Green. As we approach Memorial Day, that comes to mind.