Please say why you voted for your particular wood of choice... notice that these woods are the cheapest configurations that do not require a finish, so I don't wish to hear about any other woods in this post.
btw as far as I know, bloodwood is in the same price bracket as padouk anyway..
anyway, I voted for wenge.. Padouk is much like maple. Wenge is more inbetween maple and mahogany, with (what was is again?) tight lows and growling mids...
If you want to know about korina and purpleheart, Snouter has a video on youtube with exactly that combination.
Nah, you've got this wrong - none of these neck woods should ever get an IR fretboard - Wenge goes all-wenge or gets ebony, Padouk same thing. Purpleheart - same thing I guess. Goncalo should be all-goncalo but I could see pao ferro or again, ebony. Exotic means exotic.
What is it, like $20 more or something? Skip a few Venti Lattes with caramel sauce or whatever. :icon_scratch:
Maybe we're looking at different necks... The necks I am looking at are the warmoth ones (as in their own headstock shape). This would make the price options different I think.
And I weren't pissed... it's cool man. no worries.
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