
Woodstock 40th Anniversary


Hero Member
Been thinking for awhile about doing a Woodstock Era type screamin' guitar. 
I was 12 years old when Woodstock took place.  Young enough to be naive, yet old enough to be aware of the movement to come...   
With the 40th anniversary of Woodstock upon us, it seems like the perfect time to finalize such a plan.

I have been considering a vintage white strat with a maple CBS neck and Callaham H/SRV Specials pups.  However, this seems a bit boring in appearance.
I love the Hendrix V, but already have one V in the works and don't need another at this time.
Maybe a strat with the Hendrix V paint job?

Anyone have any thoughts about their favorite Woodstock era axe?
Does anyone know an artist that could do a paint job like the Hendrix V? 

Any and all contributions will be appreciated...

In the spirit,
Peace On



My memories of Woodstock was focused on Carlos Santana with his Gibson SG.  In later years, I found out it was equip with P90s.

As for paint job, get any graphic artist to copy Hendrix's Woodstock commemorative Strat.  Seal the graphics with a few coats of clear lacquer should do the trick.
How could I forget Carlos...  Shame on me.
Maybe an LPS with P-90's...
I love Carlos and P-90-s...
However, the Hendrix paint job will not go with the LPS
I like how this one is turning out. I'm just waiting for the pickups you mentioned to get here from Callaham to put it together.
