some mistakes.
the tunerwashers had to be recessed cause the headstocks are so thick. I ordered thick headstocks, agreed, but it was easier if he drilled it out with a 16mm drill first, just to have them recessed, and then with a 10.5mm drill all the way through. now I had to do that by HAND. hence, the recesses aren't all the same depth and size.
the tuners. I HATE SPERZELS! more precise: to install them. Darned. I hate that pin. Thats why I prefer gotoh. since I had the top one on an angle on the right side, I had to do it on the left side too.
Ok, the pickups. finally, they're as straight as I can get them without using a CNC.
the backplates. they're screwed on metal posts, but I'll be using wood posts later on, with little magnets attached to them, and llittle iron bits in the plates, just to make it look even more slick. I'll cover up the screw holes in the plates with a little piece of abalone. I like abalone!!!
The playability. As I said before, those necks are HEAVY. they're thicker and wider than warmoth's fatback and 1 3/4 nut. I can only imagine it as having a petrified woolly mammoth's cock as a guitar. its that thick
but I like it!

the action on the high E side is low, on the low E side its higher. nice.
The pickups. well. I wired them incorrectly at first. They were out of fase on their own, and together in fase

I used the duncan color code, just like the first set of wizzard pickups I use. apparantly I was supposed to use the dimarzio colorcode. oh, well. no hassle.
I use paper and oil Sovjet military grade caps (the writing is indeed russian

) and those things are HUGE!!!!!!!! bigger than those bumblebee caps. but they sound sweet and great. pots are CTS, toggle and output is switchcraft. I only used braided wire to wire them up, but unfortunately, the wrapping of the core wasn't cotton, as I thought it would be, but plastic, meaning you can't heat them up, at all because the plastic will melt and doing so, creating a short.
as far as I can see now, the only word that can be used to describe the tone is 'churchbell'. its that ringy and chimey and full! and heavy!