
When do errors and mistakes stop being acceptable in a custombuild?

They both look very good Orpheo and I hope, over time, you will put the bad experiences to get them in your hands behind you and can enjoy their sound.  :party07:

(I'm not touching the woolly mammoth cock)..........did I just say that? :laughing7:
ok, the wenge top plays very nice. I have to agree. There's one major problem.

the pickups.

yes, they dont hum
yes, they don't do feedback unless i want it
yes, they sound awesome
yes, they're about as hot as a duncan distortion
yes, I designed them

and herein lies the problem. I can't remember how I designed them!!!!! They're just 9.5k. neck and bridge, but they're nothing alike, despite same DC value. what the *bleep* did I design? what's the magnetic structure?! I can't remember. darned.

I shaved the neck of the wenge off just another millimeter. the other one will get a shaving too, but that will have to wait till tomorrow.

they're starting to grow on me, the bitches. I gave them a name, by the way. Scotty and Mieke. Whom of you remembers the movie 'eurotrip'? well. thats the inspiration!

PS: Did I use the word 'whom' correctly? if not: when do you use that word?!
Orpheo said:
PS: Did I use the word 'whom' correctly? if not: when do you use that word?!

No. "Whom" is the objective case of the subjective pronoun "who". In other words, you use "who" when it's the subject in a sentence, and "whom" when it's the object. For example:

Who knows why anyone uses Kluson tuners? ("who" = subject)

6 players auditioned, 4 of whom flubbed their solos. ("whom" = object)

It's subtle, but a native English speaker can usually hear when they're used wrong, even if they don't know why. I suspect that when writing, many people simply rearrange the sentence to avoid the problem.
They're still going to get some kind of finish aren't they? At least a bit of lemon oil, or the stuff I use on fretboards, Howard Feed 'n' Wax. Elderly Instruments use it on delicate old instruments, and sell the little bottle:
I actually used one of those up eventually, and bought a big jug off Ebay. It's orange oil and beeswax, I think it's pretty much what Music Man use on their necks too. Those boys look a bit thirsty...
They already recieved some coats, but won't soak up more oil! They look rich and lusterous in real life,the pics are a bit bland. Besides, they match their warmoth twins nicely when they're so sober like this.
Just a note, I found some shielded wire like you have, but it has teflon insulation on the inside to avoid the cheese cutter problem when you solder the signal wire.  For the life of me, I can't find the link, but it does exist.

Aussie Pete said:
DustyCat said:
A shorter, more to the point email with legal action jargon might speak louder than a lengthy bashing session(?) :laughing11: :icon_scratch:. :laughing11:

Orpheo has moved on from that I think. He now has what was done, in his possession and attempting to get them set up. The latter part of this Thread is now detailing what Orpheo is doing to get the guitars playable as best as he can -with others offering advice on set ups.

Thanks for catching me up. It is good to move on.
Best advice I ever heard/read from a luthier something like "Ask yourself why does this guitar play so well/not play so well?"
I'm shaving off the necks right now. The 1.1 inch is just too thick. I'm happier with 1 inch asymmetrical or 1 inch round. but one millimeter less thickness makes already a huge difference in playability. it goes faster, action can be lower, etc etc.

On the question why my warmoths play so well. Supernice frets, already level, nice and round, low action is thus no biggy to accomplish, the stoptail is a bit ferther away from the bridge than it is on a gibson, so it has the same feel as if you'd topwrap your strings (like Billy Gibbons and
Zakk Wylde). oh, and a standard, no frills graphtech topnut fits like a glove on a warmoth neck.

darned, those warmoth  parts are so well engineered, it all fits together. I want my 2 new projects :(




A week of busting my ass off has paid off. The necks are shaved.down, action is nice on the low strings and low on the high strings,no buzzing. I sanded up to grit 600, they're now even slicker and smoother and more slippery than they where when I got them a week ago.
That is a really good looking family! I love the koa, wenge and purpleheart tops <3

I'm glad to hear you sound a bit more chipper again :icon_thumright:
hot damn, those are absolutely amazing.  I just love the neck joint design.  It's perfect.  Robert Fripp must have some amazing guitars.

As kbooman said: therein lies the tragedy. 

The guy clearly has a huge amount of talent however he's clearly not able to manage his business.  I certainly understand why you agreed to give him all those chances to fix things.  Now you have to wonder how things would have turned out if you had given him another 2 months (i.e. 1 year) to finish them properly.  The wait might actually have been worth it - but I definitely understand you giving up on the guy.

Anyway, glad to see you got your hands on them at last and are happy.  I was actually toying with the Crimson option for a bit there - that blog is marketing genius.  I think I'll leave that alone until I have some verifiable evidence that the guy has got his act together.
:kewlpics:...Tight taste in LP's...I wonder if Zakk or even Slash has one w/"f" holes?!  :evil4:  :headbang:
Now I'm going to have to go back and see how we got there...(before my eyes start bleeding)  :confused4:


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DustyCat said:
:kewlpics:...Tight taste in LP's..

By now, Orph's design process is "Build so many, one is bound to be right!"
Kinda like the thousand monkeys and typewriters...
elgravos said:
hot damn, those are absolutely amazing.  I just love the neck joint design.  It's perfect.  Robert Fripp must have some amazing guitars.

I've done quite a bit of research on this and they're surprisingly dull actually. Black Gibsons, black Rolands, black Tokais, then some more colourful 48th street and Fernandes models and now back to black again with a few Crimson and Beadoux custom builds.
also, this neckjoint was only used on my guitars, not on Fripp's

@max: no, I know what I want. its fairly simple, actually. purpleheart neck, ebony board, korina body back, maple top, purplemist burst finish, 3 humbuckers, floyd. thats my 'to go' guitar. all the others, thats just narcissism ghehe.

ps: the semihollow has a bubinga top, not koa :)
Yeah, I think Fripps stays with what he has spent 40 years perfecting his technique on :)

Is that cat a british shorthair?

(I meant the Warmoth koa top btw)
k-k-kboooman said:
Yeah, I think Fripps stays with what he has spent 40 years perfecting his technique on :)

Is that cat a british shorthair?

(I meant the Warmoth koa top btw)

yes, indeed! she's a british shorthair. She'll get a friend any time soon. a maine coon :D
DustyCat said:
:kewlpics:...Tight taste in LP's...I wonder if Zakk or even Slash has one w/"f" holes?!  :evil4:  :headbang:
Now I'm going to have to go back and see how we got there...(before my eyes start bleeding)  :confused4:

I think the whole point of the Les Paul was to move away from F-holes.