Guys, I have made an extreme journey. I went from Amsterdam via Antwerps, Channel tunnel, London to Ben Crowe's residence and back. I drove 1600 kilometers in just one day. I just wanted it to be over, never even considered to get an hotel (besides, I already put down too much money on these guitars, just didn't feel like churning out more).
I do have my guitars now. I'm assembling them right now, and damn, its hard work. Even much harder than a warmoth. I have to adjust and resize EVERYTYHING. Every hole, every part has to be 'custom' fitted. Toggles don't fit, pots don't fit, no hole for the output jacks, etc etc.
The tearout is less bad as I thought it would be, just the same for the binding. Its really just is the wood.
About Ben Crowe. he is really, really a nice guy. He has the best of intentions regarding his business and his clients. The superficial issue is that he has too much work on his hands, or too little time, however you want to see it. The real issue, though, is that Ben is too ambitious. He wants to be a customshop in every sense of the word; every customer gets a totally unique instrument with a total unique specsheet. But even the 'standard' line is more custom than 99% of the shops in the world! he has to deliver the standard-line instruments albeit with a customers choice of woods and 2 or 3 types of inlay, but not much else!It has to be streamlined. I saw a huge stash of great halfbuild bodies. some stratty, some Les Paul-ish, and all of them were great, some were greater to some extent of course

But seriously, if he took 2 weeks to complete those, he would have perhaps 8 guitars of high quality to sell, but he wants his guitars to be even more custom, unfortunately.
Am I happy with these guitars?! yeah, I think so. But I'm terribly nervous to finish them. I don't know what they will sound like, but a taptest showed great sustain and great tone, one a bit more bright than the other.
I don't have pics so far, but I will be posting some pics when they're done, of course.