
What string do you prefer?

I've used them before.  Didn't think the bullet end did anything.  I think it's reasoning was that where the ball end seats itself, the bullet is more uniform so when divebombing it always rests in the same position, whereas a standard ball end could move around and cause tuning problems.  More wishful thinking than practical, IMO.  The strings were fine though.
In order of wallet friendly priority, 1 being not really that friendly at all, but high quality;
1 Elixrs
2 Ernie balls
3 Roto sound
5 Fender
6 D'addarios
6 Dunlop
7Some cheap brand my guitar teacher gives me for free because they're only $2

Just got Ernie Ball Power Slinkys for my cheap Epiphone Les Paul Studio, and it made a huge difference. I'm never going back to GHS! :hello2:
I won't play anything else now that I have found these:
For my American Strat I use Fender Super Bullets 10-46. I like the heavy ends because it adds a bit of sustain and for my Charvel and Warmoth strats with Floyds I use GHS Boomers. GBXL 9-42 I think is the name and gauge.
Max said:
DR Pure Blues nickel, 10's.

I put a set of those on the carved top strat last night.
It's a bright guitar with a maple top, purpleheart neck, and wenge fingerboard.
I'll see if that "round core" makes any difference.
Wanted something mellow.

Not all that brand loyal though.  Depends on the guitar.
The "E Flat" guitar gets 11's.

Acoustics get Elixers.  The coating seems to keep down on the finger noise, and feels real nice.

Guitars that aren't mine get D'Addario 10's.