
What does PRS do with all their "five" tops?


Master Member
There can really only be "ten" tops in comparison to something else, and I can't ever recall seeing the fives and sevens and three-tops. If I send them a $20,000 bill can I have a fourteen-top... :icon_scratch:
PRS has their "Artist" tops and "Private Reserve" tops which are their best tops.

The "10" top is what I guess you would say is their top 10% of figured woods.

Anything below that is just a top.
When I bought my PRS
I bought a custom 22
10 top,      never heard of a 5 top, the ten top was the best of there wood, they claim top 10 % but that is probably debatable, on all ten tops there is a "10" hand written on the head stock
Artist edition,      that meant it had better hardware, locking tuners, a few cosmetic details, and a super uber neck job.
From what I understood at the time, Private reserve was the next step up, I have never seen a 5 top but maybe I just really do not care.
Wild West guitars is about 2 miles from me and I can go and look over a lot of PRS stuff, and have actually had a Dragon in the hands, however I was not allowed to strum it as it scratch the surface. Some of the Private Reserve are works of art that should never be played, just locked in a glass case and admired. I buy guitars to play however and a 10 top PRS to me was the best guitar finish I would ever buy. I abuse guitars by actually gigging with them and nothing stays pristine that way.
Teletuby said:
I abuse guitars by actually gigging with them and nothing stays pristine that way.

Right. One of my nieces plays in a touring band, and used to be constantly amazed at how many dings, scratches, chips and gouges her Les Paul collected. For a long time she kept calling it a crummy finish, but we presented her with too much evidence to ignore that she was just banging the thing around without realizing it. Then she got a Tele that has a poly finish which as we all know can take a helluva lotta abuse, and it was getting just as banged up. She didn't want to think that she was being careless, but it's not that. It's just that the things get handled a lot, and some "interaction with the environment" is inevitable.
She has got to admit trying to put it down and it hits the floor, etc, Cagey. Accidents happen and when you are switching guitars during a set, turning around on a stage you are unfamiliar with and the drummer is closer than you thought, looking at the singer and hitting you mic stand, grabbing another guitar with out wiping the one you have been sweating on down, Putting them in a case and saying I will do it in the morning and forgetting. The list goes on.
A guitar played out takes a lot of abuse it will never see when you are at home and the hardest thing it bumps into is a pillow on the couch.
She probably knows of more abuse than she lets on, but she's young and the guitar was a gift from her father (my brother), so she's gotta play innocent <grin>

It's like the car accident she got into this past summer. Would not admit that she was texting while driving, but it was such a phenomenally stupid accident that there was just no other explanation that even came close to plausible, and certainly not the one she came up with. Not to mention that she can hardly take a breath without texting someone about it. Driving sure as hell wasn't going to slow down that tendency.
Just wait until sub-vocal microphones are economically mutated together with voice-recognition software - I predict that the entire electronic system of the world will overload and shut down, tweeted to death by 15-year-old girls. They've already blown up phone carriers during American Idol and that took actual finger movement.