When I bought my PRS
I bought a custom 22
10 top, never heard of a 5 top, the ten top was the best of there wood, they claim top 10 % but that is probably debatable, on all ten tops there is a "10" hand written on the head stock
Artist edition, that meant it had better hardware, locking tuners, a few cosmetic details, and a super uber neck job.
From what I understood at the time, Private reserve was the next step up, I have never seen a 5 top but maybe I just really do not care.
Wild West guitars is about 2 miles from me and I can go and look over a lot of PRS stuff, and have actually had a Dragon in the hands, however I was not allowed to strum it as it scratch the surface. Some of the Private Reserve are works of art that should never be played, just locked in a glass case and admired. I buy guitars to play however and a 10 top PRS to me was the best guitar finish I would ever buy. I abuse guitars by actually gigging with them and nothing stays pristine that way.