
Warmoth gives my wallet an owie


Hero Member
I've exchanged a few emails with Bob at Warmoth about an idea I had, and he estimated the cost of the project at "about $1,000 +/- 20% before pickups and hardware". I know that's less than a custom-shop Fender (or an off-the-wall Gibby for that matter), but still... Dayum...

I'm starting a new job on September 13, and I was toying with the idea of a new Warmoth to celebrate, but at that price, I might just start paying back my student loans instead.  :laughing7:
Oh I know, it's just that $1,500 is still a substantial chunk of change, especially considering my first W cost half that. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still considering it though, even if it is almost a month's salary.  :laughing7:
I Feel your pain, my next warmoth will be partially custom, so will be a quarter to half more than what my z bass cost me,
All in All from what ive recieved from warmoth, i wouldnt want to try get it fully built in england  :toothy11: :icon_thumright:
One nice thing about building your own is you can nickel-dime it to life. Buy a body one month, some hardware the next, a neck the next, etc. until you have all the pieces and parts. It might take 6 months, but it's not like the parts will go bad sitting there, and it gives you something to work towards and look forward to. Finally, one day you buy a case of beer and build the thing. It's easier than trying to save up a lump sum to do it all at once.
Thats true, my z bass only came in one lump due to a 1000 landing at my feet, not literally, but it came, and was spent wisely.
But yeah the body might be routed by warmoth, shaped in england, depending on costs of them doing a custom lp five string body, or just having it shaped in england.
so thats the best thing for me to get first whilst i raise money for necks etc.
But still not confirmed the shape yet, asking girlfriend tonight case theres a  shape she likes that warmoth already do (Ill Post my own thread about it)
Anyways, ill stop the hijack of sorts  :)
Good luck with the Custom project whenever you can get it done.  :cool01:
My VIP's total cost with case and everything was around $1600 and my last strat is right around the $1200.  No they are not cheap considereing my Jimmie Vaughan Strat was only $500, but the they are still substantially cheaper then having Fender or PRS build you one with the specific components you want.  I dont regret it for a minute....and I am still paying back student loans  :icon_biggrin:
This is why I only have one and a half Warmoths. I can't afford $1K+ projects very often. :sad:
Yup, im Limiting myself to two Warmoths  :sad:........ welll maybe a third with a fancy top or clear wood so it has the appeal you guys like  :laughing7:
I'm not going to put a limit on how many I have. I think I'm going to be good with the three I have, but I know me. I'll convince myself somehow that without yet another iteration of The Perfect Strat I won't be able to do this, that or the other thing. Never mind that there are so many things I can't do that aren't the guitar's fault.
I didn't buy a new guitar for almost 15 years & then decided to get a new one & do a Warmoth build. After I was done I got hooked...BADLY. Not only did it turn out to be the best playing, sounding & looking guitar I had, but it was the least expensive as well.
Now I get a new one done every 6 months. Spread out, it doesn't break the bank & it's a great on going hobby/project. Gives me something to prepetually look forward to, guitar wise.
Patient: Doctor, my arm hurts when I do this???
Doctor:  Well don't do that.

Moral of the story:  Leave the credit card out of the wallet and next to the computer.  That way you won't have to reach for your wallet???...??? :evil4:
Wyliee said:
Patient: Doctor, my arm hurts when I do this???
Doctor:  Well don't do that.

Moral of the story:  Leave the credit card out of the wallet and next to the computer.  That way you won't have to reach for your wallet???...??? :evil4:

Im glad my student credit card has limit of 750, well that wouldnt stop me buying a body, but its a deterant, plus prefer to know i have the money already hehe
but yeah it did make me uneasy when i ordered z as i ordered everything in one go, so couldnt do it via credit card only debit,
So Cheers for trustworthy warmoth!  :icon_thumright:
once again ill stop slight offtopic :P
It is oddly addicting, isn't it? After my first one, I finally felt I had reached Strat Nirvana. Should be done. Search is over. Nowhere to go from here, right?

No, not by a long shot.

I suspect it has to do with the love of the instrument. You don't build guitars on a whim, you have to be motivated. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I've owned dozens of guitars over the years, and the reason I don't still have them is they've almost always been lacking in some characteristic or another, so I move on to the next one, looking for that "Holy Grail" of appearance, playability and tone that'll magically make me into the guitar god I've always dreamed I could be. It's an ego thing, pure and simple.

Then you build a Warmoth and it turns out to be that magical instrument. It feels good. It sounds good. You're proud. You're happy. People are properly envious. Even if it doesn't make you famous, after such a success, your natural inclination is to do it again. It's like sex. You don't stop doing it once you've done it.
Doughboy said:
Now I get a new one done every 6 months. Spread out, it doesn't break the bank & it's a great on going hobby/project. Gives me something to prepetually look forward to, guitar wise.

6 months!?
I built my last Warmoth almost a year and a half ago, and I don't see myself being able to afford another for quite a while. :sad1:

Meanwhile, Mark buys a body or neck twice a week with his pizzaman money. :tard:
Incredibly Addicting cagey.
My next is going to be a gothic anime type design on the body,
once again not a fancy top, but dont worry i think one day i will serve you guys up a tasty flamed maple beast. :party07:
I must admit the warmoth has increased my practice ten fold,
well that and new girlfriend, not to mention the fact its a tribute guitar to my dad, so it drives me even more.
But the five string part im hooked on  :)

And id love to see doughboys expenses on other things.
One toilet roll a  week
One meal a day?  :laughing7:
Cant belive you can manage one every six months, unless your really a lottery winner  and not saying  :laughing7:
I don't think a 6 month schedule is so tough. Figure you'll go somewhere between $800 and $1,500, with the average being about $1,200. Over six months, that's $200/mo. I don't know what it's like in England, but here a two-pack-a-day smoking habit will run you at least $300/mo., even more in states with heavier taxes. In New York, for instance, a two-pack-a-day smoker will easily spend over $450/mo. Canada is even worse.

Of course, not everybody smokes, and the number who do dwindles daily. But, the point is, the money is usually there. It's just a matter of priorities.
Yes but for ~$1000-$1500, you're getting something that would sell normally for 1.5x - 2x that price.

Except you can only sell it for half that, so it kinda doesn't stand as a real super-good reason to make Warmoths... if you search "Warmoth" on FleaBay, you see a guy pop up selling guitars he manufactured out of parts, they hang around for six months then disappear (presumably with a garage full of unsold guitars) and another one pops up. This is NOT an ideal get-rich-quick scheme.... :icon_scratch: ??? :sad1:
"Get poor somewhat less-slowly," mebbe. :icon_tongue:

Never mind that there are so many things I can't do that aren't the guitar's fault.

Therin lies the crux of the biscuit. I tell my guitar students that if their action is less than 7/64" (at the 12th fret) and the frets don't bite and the pickup picks up, they can technically play anything Stevie Ray V or Jerry G. ever played, cause their action's better that those guys.... and if you've played every note on your guitar ONCE, if you had a better memory you'd remember where it was and could play anything, immediately. So there's no point in buying more shite yet. This doesn't apply to ME, of course, because I'm old & retarded. And must therefore be excused.... :laughing7:
Cagey said:
I don't think a 6 month schedule is so tough. Figure you'll go somewhere between $800 and $1,500, with the average being about $1,200. Over six months, that's $200/mo. I don't know what it's like in England, but here a two-pack-a-day smoking habit will run you at least $300/mo., even more in states with heavier taxes. In New York, for instance, a two-pack-a-day smoker will easily spend over $450/mo. Canada is even worse.

Of course, not everybody smokes, and the number who do dwindles daily. But, the point is, the money is usually there. It's just a matter of priorities.
Hmm well 200  a month dollars here is roughly 150 pounds a month give or take the exchange rate lol ,its probably bit less, but that is true, and as i dont smoke, and each month i recieve 330 from my dads teacher pension still as im in education id say about 100 of that i can put aside for my next build, so probably in a year gradually i can get all the parts, so guessing look out for my gothic anime bass next summer/autumn hehe  :headbang1: