Warmoth Giveaway Sweepstakes!!

TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
I think so many people have a sense of entitlement that if every single situation does not cater to them, they are offended, which I think is a flaw in humanity.

I'm not sure that this is a fair depiction of people who indicated on this thread that they did not had a facebook account.
croquet hoop said:
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
I think so many people have a sense of entitlement that if every single situation does not cater to them, they are offended, which I think is a flaw in humanity.

I'm not sure that this is a fair depiction of people who indicated on this thread that they did not had a facebook account.

It's just my own opinion.  Each is entitled to it, no offense intended.
I think the images submitted by UW.com members looked more interesting.  Oh well ... for about 15 seconds I thought there was a chance  :sad1:.
Just so you guys know, that plain Jane white one in the top 5 was mine. Not sure if you guys knew my name was Jim or not. There were so many people complaining about mine being so simple, but, in the end, simple usually does pretty good. Also, this contest was for you to design your dream Strat, not everyone else's. My dream Strat is a plain white body, tortoise scratch plate, with a maple neck/ebony fingerboard....no fret markers.

I'd like to thank Warmoth for doing the contest and I'd also like to congratulate everyone that was involved and especially huge congrats to the winner.

Now, since they gave me a 100 dollar gift code to use on an order, I think I'll finally get that neck for the Swinger body I bought about 2 years ago and never got to work on.
mullyman said:
Now, since they gave me a 100 dollar gift code to use on an order, I think I'll finally get that neck for the Swinger body I bought about 2 years ago and never got to work on.
Cool. Congrats. What headstock will you put on it?
mullyman said:
Just so you guys know, that plain Jane white one in the top 5 was mine. Not sure if you guys knew my name was Jim or not. There were so many people complaining about mine being so simple, but, in the end, simple usually does pretty good. Also, this contest was for you to design your dream Strat, not everyone else's. My dream Strat is a plain white body, tortoise scratch plate, with a maple neck/ebony fingerboard....no fret markers.

I'd like to thank Warmoth for doing the contest and I'd also like to congratulate everyone that was involved and especially huge congrats to the winner.

Now, since they gave me a 100 dollar gift code to use on an order, I think I'll finally get that neck for the Swinger body I bought about 2 years ago and never got to work on.

Hey man...don't worry about the naysayers. As a creative person I discovered long ago that any time you put yourself out there for scrutiny in even the smallest measure people will hurl mean-spirited criticism at you. It's never been more true anywhere than on the internet. When ever I find myself in your position I re-read this to inspire me:

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

Congrats Mully!
rgand said:
mullyman said:
Now, since they gave me a 100 dollar gift code to use on an order, I think I'll finally get that neck for the Swinger body I bought about 2 years ago and never got to work on.
Cool. Congrats. What headstock will you put on it?

Going with a reverse Arrow.
mullyman said:
rgand said:
mullyman said:
Now, since they gave me a 100 dollar gift code to use on an order, I think I'll finally get that neck for the Swinger body I bought about 2 years ago and never got to work on.
Cool. Congrats. What headstock will you put on it?

Going with a reverse Arrow.
Cool. That will look interesting.
DocNrock said:
Cool!  Congrats, Mully!

Thanks, Doc. Yeah, I was pretty stoked. You know, the people that were complaining weren't completely wrong. The contest really was who had access to more friends. In the end though it came down to Warmoth deciding who the winner was. I thought mine had a good chance to win and a good chance to lose.....for the same reasons.

For the win: It was simple and wouldn't cost them anything to put it out there.

For the lose: It was simple and they probably preferred to do something fancy to promote what they do.

Either way, it was fun and I'll be getting a neck out of it with a discount. Good enough for me. God knows the contest didn't cost me anything so anything I got out of it was a win, even if it was only an honorable mention.

Like someone else said in an earlier post, cool that someone from the forum got something.