Don't laugh, but this the first production guitar I bought, for all of Aus$90 as a used guitar!! Yamaha SG3C.Mine was a Fiesta Red colour.
Horrible instrument, the only saving grace was the action being quite low.
Had the pickups replaced, thankfully, by a Fender L series Tele bridge pickup and a Guild humbucker, which have been with me since.......over 30 years now. The guitar had a horrible bridge and I eventually tried to replace that with an early version of a Kahler trem, the conversion being botched by me.
Tried to sand back the body, but the finish on this body was so thick.... I gave up.
Still have the neck somewhere as a momento & of course the Tele and Guild pickup which will be housed in a Warmoth Tele just as soon as I can get around to having enough enthusiasm to fire up the soldering iron.
One of my guitar teachers had an Ovation Breadwinner - or was it a Deacon? - nice guitar to play, but the sound was quite a off centre humbucker tone if I recall correctly, and while Bill liked it for his country music work that he was doing at the time, it was too clean up loud ( I think that was his criticism of the guitar). He ened up terading that in for a better all rounder type of guitar - a Yamaha SG2000 - which was a screamer. The Breadwinner/Deacon shape preceded the Klein I think.