
Ugly Production Guitars

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the Gibson Reverse Flying V yet, or, as we call it, The Thing That Should Not V.


NonsenseTele said:
These are ugly as hell but probably my favourite production guitar of all time.

Superlizard said:

If I'm not mistaken, this looks like a copy of a Klein:

I'll agree with you about the butt-ugly, but they're generally considered to be one of the most comfortable guitars ever constructed.

If they didn't make this camo finsh on the Spalted, the double single-coils, the knob on the cutaway and the inlay, it would be a WIN, but as they did it earns a FAIL
Patrick from Davis said:
Did anyone else think of the Necronomicon from, "Army of Darkness," when they saw this?  "Clatto Verata N... Necktie... Neckturn... Nickel... It's an "N" word, it's definitely an "N" word!"

Bruce Campbell:  Finest Actor In Modern Times

Army Of Darkness:  In My Top 10 Movie List
Don't laugh, but this the first production guitar I bought, for all of Aus$90 as a used guitar!! Yamaha SG3C.Mine was a Fiesta Red colour.


Horrible instrument, the only saving grace was the action being quite low.

Had the pickups replaced, thankfully, by a Fender L series Tele bridge pickup and a Guild humbucker, which have been with me since.......over 30 years now. The guitar had a horrible bridge and I eventually tried to replace that with an early version of a Kahler trem, the conversion being botched by me.

Tried to sand back the body, but the finish on this body was so thick.... I gave up.

Still have the neck somewhere as a momento & of course the Tele and Guild pickup which will be housed in a Warmoth Tele just as soon as I can get around to having enough enthusiasm to fire up the soldering iron.

One of my guitar teachers had an Ovation Breadwinner - or was it a Deacon? - nice guitar to play, but the sound was quite a off centre humbucker tone if I recall correctly, and while Bill liked it for his country music work that he was doing at the time, it was too clean up loud ( I think that was his criticism of the guitar). He ened up terading that in  for a better all rounder type of guitar - a Yamaha SG2000 - which was a screamer. The Breadwinner/Deacon shape preceded the Klein I think.

OzziePete said:
Don't laugh, but this the first production guitar I bought, for all of Aus$90 as a used guitar!! Yamaha SG3C.Mine was a Fiesta Red colour.


That's like a dangly nutsack thing with a neck slapped on it... dude, I am so laughing.   :laughing11:
Superlizard said:
OzziePete said:
Don't laugh, but this the first production guitar I bought, for all of Aus$90 as a used guitar!! Yamaha SG3C.Mine was a Fiesta Red colour.


That's like a dangly nutsack thing with a neck slapped on it... dude, I am so laughing.   :laughing11:

That's the now famous "Scrotaxe". The volume knob goes from 0 to Viagra!! :toothy12:
Superlizard said:
That's like a dangly nutsack thing with a neck slapped on it... dude, I am so laughing.   :laughing11:

Never thought of it as that, thankfully no one said THAT about the guitar when I owned it!!  :laughing7:

I had so many tries getting that guitar working preperly: New tuners, new pickups, various briudges and trems......

And to think that this is an ancestor to that beautiful looking SG2000 shaped Yammie? Obviously the Yamaha designers stopped taking the hallucinogens after the late 60s, lol... :dontknow:

I must try and get my scanner up and working....... I am now reminded that I have a picture of me as a kid with that guitar lurking in the background.
Death by Uberschall said:
Superlizard said:
OzziePete said:
Don't laugh, but this the first production guitar I bought, for all of Aus$90 as a used guitar!! Yamaha SG3C.Mine was a Fiesta Red colour.


That's like a dangly nutsack thing with a neck slapped on it... dude, I am so laughing.   :laughing11:
That's the now famous "Scrotaxe"  :toothy12:

Rumor has it the Greek philosopher Scrotates came up with the design...

*cough cough* ...


