Okay, I've been carrying around a really small notebook to add things. Not as much as before.. but...
Loose Threads
The B string on a guitar
Barre Chords (for now)
Cut Time (just not used to it)
Untuned guitars
Lead slipping in mechanical pencils
One drop of water falling on my head/neck
Massive study guides I never use
Dirt/dust in contact lenses
People blasting music. From IPOD HEADPHONES.
Cigarette smoke (I know it doesn't bug everyone, it just irritates my eyes)
When the same commercial repeats twice (I call it the Bowflex Effect)
Forgetting what I was going to say
Tuning flutes
Piccolos (don't forget, high school band

Brand new jeans with holes in them. My only pair of jeans with a hole is from a nail that got caught when I was climbing.
Pairs of jeans. Isn't it only one, though?
Stiff erasers. You know... the ones that only smear the marks, and make it worse.
When pencil sharpeners break the lead continuously.
Squeaky chairs.