
Things that bug me. (incomplete)

I can't have tuna or a turkey sandwich without mayo. Those are the only uses I have for it though.
Ya wanna know waht bugs me..what REALLY REALLY bugs me?? > People who arent even old enuf to drink beer typing out long lists of stuff that bugs them. :laughing7:
ByteFrenzy said:
For those who at this point have succeeded in keeping their most recent lunch down, I would now like to remind you that Mayonnaise was originally NOT invented as a sauce to complement some other dish. It was intended to be the main course. Please, good Sir, here is your dinner for tonight, a great big bowl of freshly whipped Mayonnaise. Oh, after only thirty spoonfulls, your complexion is turning surprisingly greenish...

But it's 100% fat!!!!!!  That's gross. 

Yeah, I can't do gravy.  There's something about it that is just weird to me.  I love Yorkshire pudding though... I know, it doesn't make sense.
jerryjg said:
Ya wanna know waht bugs me..what REALLY REALLY bugs me?? > People who arent even old enuf to drink beer typing out long lists of stuff that bugs them. :laughing7:
Please define "waht" and "enuf." :P Then throw an apostrophe after the N in aren't. Oh, one question mark will suffice.

And you bug me.  :laughing7:
I'm going to have to try some of those. The Poutine is starting to seem okay. And I've never tried fries with mayo.
Okay, I've been carrying around a really small notebook to add things. Not as much as before.. but...

Loose Threads
The B string on a guitar
Barre Chords (for now)
Cut Time (just not used to it)
Untuned guitars
Lead slipping in mechanical pencils
One drop of water falling on my head/neck
Massive study guides I never use
Dirt/dust in contact lenses
People blasting music. From IPOD HEADPHONES.
Cigarette smoke (I know it doesn't bug everyone, it just irritates my eyes)
When the same commercial repeats twice (I call it the Bowflex Effect)
Forgetting what I was going to say
Tuning flutes
Piccolos (don't forget, high school band :P)
Brand new jeans with holes in them. My only pair of jeans with a hole is from a nail that got caught when I was climbing.
Pairs of jeans. Isn't it only one, though?
Stiff erasers. You know... the ones that only smear the marks, and make it worse.
When pencil sharpeners break the lead continuously.
Squeaky chairs.
I hate it when you pick up a guitar only to find it has rusty strings.  I can't play rust.  It's almost as bad as scratching a chalkboard, it drives me crazy.
Ok, I'll play a bit :)

- Some form of nickel strings on every - effing - guitar in every - effing - guitar store. My fingers start itching within seconds if I play that and I don't want to know what happens next.
- The inherently bad intonation on all guitars with standard straight nuts. I dream of Buzz Feiten/Earvana.
- Current mastering trends in music. 0 dynamics, all the time. Whoopti f*cking doo.
- Assigning inherent value in money. It has none, we just pretend it has!
- Herd thinking. I took a walk in town in some lovely spring weather yesterday and it looked like a breakout from the clone factory. Terrifying.
Max said:
Lead slipping in mechanical pencils
Stiff erasers. You know... the ones that only smear the marks, and make it worse.
When pencil sharpeners break the lead continuously.

Since we are on the topic of pencils, when i was in 4th grade, it was the big fad to have fancy mechanical pencils.
The teacher banned us from using them because too many were getting stolen. I hated using #2 pencils. :sad:
After awhile, she started to get irritated that kids were sharpening their pencils all day long, so she only allowed use to sharpen a pencil 1 time per day, during the first half hour of the class. We started bringing our own sharpeners, but she only let us use them during reccess.

Another time in the 7th grade, i jammed a paper clip or something into a pencil sharpener and almost broke it.
The teacher was livid and she almost made me buy her a new one until she fixed it.
kboman said:
- Some form of nickel strings on every - effing - guitar in every - effing - guitar store. My fingers start itching within seconds if I play that and I don't want to know what happens next.
One of my friends in band... Well, I told her to never touch my guitar. She'll start bleeding within seconds.
Okay, more things...
When people decide I really must see their boxers.
Tim. (Kid in band who couldn't play trumpet in tune, had no skills to speak of, constantly ignored the teacher, couldn't separate vowels, annoying voice, read twilight in class, etc... Oh, he couldn't even play his most basic major scale, Bb...)
Crooked awards/plaques.
Broken latches on bathroom stalls.
Water fountains with low pressure. I have to squeeze water out of my hair every time I have a drink.
The Electoral College system.
Minority quotas in colleges. How about making it even among everyone?
The word inflammable. In means not. Flammable means able to catch on fire. By that, Inflammable should mean not able to catch on fire. No. Inflammable means flammable. Useless.
Holding a phone with my head and shoulder.
Stubborn glass ketchup bottles.
Gum under desks.
Twilight obsessions.
Jonas Brothers obsessions.
French fries that aren't crispy.
Multiple light switches for a single light.
Shoe obsessions. The things go on your feet. They get beat up instead of your feet. They get worn out.
The door at a high school that I do all county band at. There's a door 10 feet up on the wall.
Water advertisements. WATER.
When a wallet in your back pocket makes you sit crooked.
When two or three teachers all decide to give a project at the same time.
When you fine something the moment after you ask someone else about it.
"It's always the last place you look" Really now? I normally look in other places after I've found it.
"Can I ask you a question?" You just did buddy.
"You can have your cake and eat it too." Thank goodness. I thought I got my cake just to look at.
Turn lights that let only about two cars through.
Staples sticking in staplers.
Double negatives in speech. Writing's even worse.
Head-On commercials. (Apply directly to the forehead)
Max said:
Water advertisements. WATER.


I can't remember who, but there was a comedian who did a bit about Edison commercials.
You don't have a choice, so they can pretty much say anything they want in their commercials, and you would still have to buy their electricity.
"Can i borrow a piece of paper?"

You can have a piece of paper, but i don't want it back.

"Can i use your bathroom?"

You may, but i don't know, can you?

"Are you serious?"

No, I'm (whatever your name is)
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
People who say there is a B#. Don't make it more complicated, it's either C flat or nothing!

Haha, my grandpa starts his sentences with "surely" all the time.  I use that line every time!
I knew a swim coach in high school.
Being in LA, he was constantly accused of being a racist by the students that did not like him.

He would tell them "I am a racist"... "I teach people how to race"