That's OK dude, I'll take "boring" over denial any day. :laughing7: :evil4:
:laughing11: :laughing11: :laughing11:
I have lived in places where it is warm/hot and sunny all the time, but it IS boring! To me. I prefer the northeast, where I am now (and plan to stay). But I am glad you enjoy the heat and the sun, because who wants to hate their own place of living?
Hey Nathana,
You have hit upon it! Nobody should hate where they live. If so, get off your arss and go somewhere else.
I love Phoenix, but I would consider moving elsewhere just for a change of pace. It would have to be somewhere that does not have severe winters and preferably near the ocean. Anyway, that just my sorry butt!
:rock-on: where ever you park your head at night!