Not only do I have one on the E and B strings but also on the D and G as well, I challenge anyone to A/B their tone without and with String Trees on a fender standard type neck, you will hear clearly that your tone is better with string trees.........each time I played on my guitar for sometime without a tree at the E and B strings and then decided to install one when my B string poped out one day, I was amazed; the tone on those 2 strings was improved dramatically, and every other aspect was done correct and right so there was no other explanation than that they helped to increase the tension on the nut..........BIG difference, later I decided since the Trees came in a 2 pack to put the other one on the D and G strings...........WOW!!! Impressed again, the tone was noticably better there as well, so noticable I could hear the difference immediately.........
I will say it and believe it unequivocally, if your NOT using string trees, then your fender style neck does NOT have the best tone it could. :icon_thumright:
Note: the string tree must be placed low enough to exert pressure on the strings and increase tension at the nut to enhance the tone.
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My D,G,B and high E strings are at the same angle all the way across, which looks good asthetically, while increasing the tension at the nut for maximum tone.
and no I didn't say you should use string trees, I said if your not (and with enough tension) your tone is lacking.........