
Show us your pics!

big bob said:
Death by Uberschall said:
big bob said:
I see your Lars Monsen and raise you a Bill Kazmaier..

I see your Bill Kazmaier,..................... and raise you a Gregg Valentino,..................


I'll stand with bill, here he is curling a 276 pound log..

my bad , that was a 276 kilo log..
Super Nigerian Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
The mullet was gone 3 years by then.  I don't think I have any mullet pics of me.  They're at the mom's house, and they ain't digital....yet.

Wiki leaks needs to get their act together  :icon_jokercolor:
 Having a James Hetfield moment

  Still saving the $11,999 to have this made...
Ouch.  Tough break, Andreas.  That pesky guard falling out of the shears - it's happened to me more than once.  Of course, now that I'm balding, it doesn't much matter - I shear my head to an eighth of an inch every few weeks and never have bed-head.

Good news:  It grows back!