
Shoestring Tele

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I'm back at almost bare wood. A little bit of primer left in some pores. I decided to try isocyanate as a grain filler and I mush way it cou wok but I cernkined a boat fumeeees. May Izeeeeee ah.

I think I'll try yellow PVA wood glue for grain fill next time - I've never had that much CA out of the bottle at one time. I'm pretty sure one or two brain cells died prematurely. I ended up holding my breath while I spread out what I'd squeezed out. Will use the respirator for the rest.
No Tele work but rails/decking going up on 3rd level. Took two days off work this week, got the FIL back out to help, and the current goal is it's going to be done by Sunday evening even if we have to change the definition of DONE. We're actually looking pretty good - though "Done" may not include the tarp roof/ladders/swings/etc...

I'll take care of the rail/ballusters after he leaves but I want to get all the decking/framing/posts up today.  Wednesday was 3 years since I dug the first hole, so ... it's time to get it done while he still wants to play in it. (He actually already plays in it but the bottom level gets used for lumber storage and he's gonna get hurt climbing over stacked lumber, and the stored lumber will warp if it's not stacked flat. Plus if it drags out any longer he'll be wanting AC and WIFI in it.
Looking good! Along with the AC and WIFI also comes a motorcycle garage. :laughing11:
Spamming my own thread continues - we got the 3rd floor decking up and support structure for the rails. We're now structurally complete, and the bottom floor is mostly cleared of lumber storage.  (What's left is mostly unused stock that's cut, but long enough to be usable - I just don't have a need for it.) Just got to get the balusters up now(might use heavy wire stuff for that), and what's left is ladders, tarp roof, accoutrements. 

(After this I hope to get some  more work done on the Tele's but this project has drug on so long  - and the boy is growing. Back to dad's projects after this.


Holy Moly! If I pretend to be nine years old, will you adopt me.......When I was nine I thought we were big cheese because we built a 5ft square treehouse one time...... :headbang:
I didn't have a tree available that would make a good treehouse. Instead I dug a fort below ground. It was good fun but we got pretty dirty climbing down in and up out again. That treehouse is spectacular. :icon_thumright:

My neighbor, however had a big madrone tree with a cool fort in it.
Closing in (that little 8" poplar is coming down soon now that the rail is up. It's only inches away from the platform. I wanted the rail in place so I felt a little safer about putting a step ladder on a platform 13ft up in the air to tie onto the trunk as high up as we can.)


Baluster drill jig and baluster spacing jig


I need to throw another coat of shellac on the Tele this week just to convince myself it hasn't been abandoned
Just about got all the balusters up. Another bundle or two and I'll be ready for ladders and a tarp roof (and a flag - I found a place that will make a 12"x18" double sided flag for $13)





Soooooooo close. Third floor rail up all the way around.  I moved it to the outside on the walkway to give more shoulder room. At this point, once I get ladders up we could call it done, with improvements to follow.  The kid wants a rail between the 2nd and 3rd floor. I'm not sure it's necessary, but it could help with the ladder and provide a 2nd handhold on the 3rd floor cat walk.




Did do some sanding on the Tele, taking it back to bare wood (again) and trying to smooth out the tummy / forearm cuts.

And got a symbolic ladder up!
Very cool! Great job, there. Congrats. Your boy should love it. :icon_thumright:
Got the bug today, thought, hey maybe I'll slap it together in it's current state and play it tomorrow. Short a nut, so that's moot.

The eBay seller I got this body from was cheap enough. But it's made of plutonium. And neglected. Some gap at a glue seem. And I've about decided to just slap the $85 neglected and butchered body on and play it until I can swing a nice warmoth for it. Maybe a no f-hole thinline body with a regular pickguard

But somehow in it's current state it just exudes essence of telecaster in a way a gorgeous figured and bursted finish sort of misses


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A Tele is utilitarian if nothing else.  Still, the elements come together in a way that looks nice (between the body finish, the rosewood and the pickguard).  I'm all for using a rubbish neck/body parts as 1) an excuse to have an a project, instead of nothing, and 2) a platform for hardware components while they wait to be transferred to a proper Warmoth build...

BTW, that "tree house" is impressive - I use quotes because it's not so much a tree house as it is some sort of Robinson Crusoe structure....
Thanks. The neck is a Warmoth boatneck 7.25" radius neck. The body was in better shape before I got hold of it. Left it on the screened porch while sanding, distraction turned into pure neglect, and overnight became a year or so.  But it's solid ash of the absolute heaviest variety possible and I've never really attached to it for that reason. 

Also, the would be owner of the matching lefty hasn't demonstrated a lot of interest in music stuff lately, which sort of took the wind out of my sails. And we have some poplar seasoning under the back deck from a tree I had to take out of the yard. That tie in might bring me back to it later even if he isn't hugely interested now.