
"scratch building" a semihollow body from an epi dot


Junior Member
i have a crazy idea:

Can you strip the top, sides and back off something like an epiphone dot, then clamp mahogany 'wings' that make up the sides and back of the guitar to the existing 'core' of the semihollow body and cover it all up with a new top and hardware?

I know this is not practical, i just want to know if it can be done... in theory. I'd also like to know all the reasons it isnt practical.

Heres my mspaint version:


I would just start from scratch. too much work and probably just end up ruining a 300 dollar guitar. Warmoth sells body blanks if you want your own custom body shape. that is what I did for my first build.

Those aren't (semi)hollow. You'd have to take the blank, rout or thickness sand away 1/4" from the top so you could put a separate top on, then rout away most of the innards leaving just the centre beam and the edges, then mount a top on that, drill through the top and use a router with roller guide bit to cut the same routs in the top that are already in the body. Actually I plan to try that one day, but I don't actually think it would be that much easier than what iamtak suggested.
I'm building one from scratch. you could order a neck through blank from stewmac.. and add a rail and wings. I thought about that but wanted a bolt on neck..
keep us posted..
Im mostly just thinking out loud.

I still have my P bass project, tele project and acoustic project to tackle before i can really think about this.

I'll have to look into the neck blanks.

carvin also has a through neck for scratch builds, and its less expensive and has more options than the one offered at stew-mac.

That carvin neck through is perfect for my idea.

So what do you guys think of my weird construction idea?

Rather than having separate top, sides and back, the back and sides of the guitar would be continuous, from a routed out body blank. The top would be a separate piece.

Imagine this: you take a les paul, pop off the top. Cut it right down the middle, right between the 3rd and 4th strings. Route out both halves into 'swimming pools' and glue them on the sides of the neck and fashion a new top. This isnt' the normal constructio for a semi hollow body, right? Does anyone do this?

I imagine that you wouldn't be scooping wood from the top, but from the back... kinda how they make dutch clogs, but what would I know...

and why would you mod a guitar like that... build a guitar that way. It's a tough build, but your thinking of an even tougher mod...
Not really that much more work to do it all from scratch... now if that guitar has sentimental value... but if it does then you wouldn't mod it like that!

Get the right sized wood from a lumberyard if that is possible... much cheaper than buying it from Stewmac. As long as it's properly dried and won't move anymore it should be fine.
Now that i am aware that such neck thru blanks exist id rather just build it up from scratch.

I had just assumed that scrapping an epiphone was going to be a cheapish way of getting a neck and body block.
Have you seen this semi-chambered bass build? http://www.gmcbasses.co.uk/GMCBasses/bass5Diary2.htm
I had never thought of doing it that way!!! That's awesome... I'm ordering that Carvin neck as soon as I can go to my exotic hardwood store and pickup up some beauties...