
Sad, excited and nervous..

Luke by Vox said:
L3 definitely isn't level 3. True.  :icon_thumright:
No it doesn't, but I did have to get a security clearance, so I can't tell you or I'll have to kill you... :laughing7:

Death by Uberschall said:
DangerousR6 said:
Going from plastics to airplanes is quite the transition... :guitarplayer2:

Are you sure about that???  :laughing7:
Well it could be plastic airplanes... :dontknow:
DangerousR6 said:
...I did have to get a security clearance, so I can't tell you or I'll have to kill you... :laughing7:

I had to get a security clearance about 100 years ago before I could do some work at a missile plant, which came in handy later on at some similar facilities. But, it was basically a non-event. You tell them your name and SSN, give up some prints, and that's all she wrote. You either pass or you don't. I'm not sure what they do or check for, but apparently I didn't seem to be any threat to national security <grin>

Got to see some fun stuff, though. Pretty old-school today, but back then? Whoa!
Out of college, the only job I had where I used my degree, I worked for a company that had a contract to do background checks for all 4 branches of the military, several government agencies, and over 100 private companies.  One of the companies was Raytheon/L3.  I was not a government employee but did government work and carried a government credential.  The background check for L3 will consist of a record check in every city and county you've lived, worked, or attended school in the last 10 years (and is good for 5 years) and require a source interview with people that can verify those things.  Seeing as how you've had the same job for 25 years and probably lived in the same house for over 10 years, it will probably go pretty fast.  The source interviews will most likely be a boss or coworker and a neighbor.  The records checks will be done by phone or email but can be done in person.

A Special Investigator will be contacting you for an appointment to clarify any timeline contradictions.  One bit of advice is to be honest.  They really don't care what you did, just when you did it.  Time erases many automatic disqualifications, but contradictions between what you say and what your neighbors say (even if they think they are helping) throw up flags.  Secrets are bad, and people can be coerced to keep them secrets.
Oh, and pass or fail, upon completion, you can request a copy of the check and it will tell exactly what they checked, who they talked to, and what they said.
One time, when I worked with Marko.. my buddy wanted to get clearance for something in the Army.

The FBI came to my office to talk to me.. scared everyone pretty good.  :icon_thumright:
It was probably not the FBI, as it was our joke we were always mistaken for them.  I wore a suit, carried a badge, introduced myself, but they only remember the FBI.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
It was probably not the FBI, as it was our joke we were always mistaken for them.  I wore a suit, carried a badge, introduced myself, but they only remember the FBI.

No it actually was.. the job he was going for was fairly high up, I got their FBI card still.
If you have his card, I suppose it's possible.  I haven't worked in that field since 2001.  At that time, the only background investigations done by the FBI were for their own agents.  We were doing checks and investigations for all 4 branches and several govt. agencies including the DEA, ATF, NSA, etc.  We even did them for the CIA though we didn't know it because they were discreetly marked something less obvious, but you figured it out by the amount of rework, scrutiny, and clarification.tequested during adjudication.
Luke by Vox said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
It was probably not the FBI, as it was our joke we were always mistaken for them.  I wore a suit, carried a badge, introduced myself, but they only remember the FBI.

No it actually was.. the job he was going for was fairly high up, I got their FBI card still.

Dammit Mr Nader, you promised us not to talk about this... now we have to come and get you... we are on your way,

Kind Regards,

Blue Waffle Division
  i was reading youre post and i am also a tool maker , at  GM weld tool center in brand blanc mi!
working for a aircraft company seems pretty neat! i my self has always wanted to race motors that i bored out!
, i work on alot of outboard motors, two strokes on the side , i will be retiriing in three years so maybe i caqn put in a resume for like racing boats ,there is a gold mine in the keys for boat repair! good luck and sorry about just talking!
Well, this it !!!! Today the countdown has dissolved into a final moment of reflection upon all my emotions of the last 25 yrs. The good times, the bad times, the fun with those I've grown to know as family, and those that have passed and will be forever in my heart. For everything I have achieved, learned and taught, it all comes down to this final moment, a flood of memories to silently fill my mind for knowing tomorrow begins anew...

Chapter 2....
Yeah, when I lived in a military town the FBI did the door knocking for neighbors getting new clearances.