
Price reductions *AND* greater selection?


Hero Member
Hi everyone,

There are a few changes in the Unique Choice section you ought to know about.  Our staff has been going over our supply and expanding the number of pieces available.  We've got a ton available. (literally!) Also, pricing on many pieces has been reduced. 

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Anybody got GAS yet???  :evil4:
Actually, i just noticed the other day that all the Pau Ferro pieces in the bass showcase went up to $55 from $45.  :icon_scratch:

line6man said:
Actually, i just noticed the other day that all the Pau Ferro pieces in the bass showcase went up to $55 from $45.  :icon_scratch:

Oh man!  You're raining on my parade!

Pau ferro is one of my favorites for fingerboards.  I don't know why more people don't select it.
Looks good! Why did this happen the day after I bought a high-grade quilt top :P

As far as teles and quilts go...
LT486 is a bit small, isn't it? The tele mockup doesn't have all of the guitar covered.
Wyliee said:
Pau ferro is one of my favorites for fingerboards.  I don't know why more people don't select it.

Damn right! :icon_biggrin:
I just love my Pau Ferro board, and i am so glad that i choose it over Ebony. 

there are lots of new bodies popping up in the RSS Feed..
any chance for more (exotic) tele necks? ( I know I can have a strat modified, but prefer the correct heel etc)
Max said:
LT486 is a bit small, isn't it? The tele mockup doesn't have all of the guitar covered.

Hmm. It doesnt seem to work with Strats, LP's, Soloists or anything else.
I would be tempted to say "put a sunburst finish on the edge", but that would require some crazy routing work on the body wood to avoid having a big chunk of wood missing.

LT486 is indeed large enough for a Strat, Tele, or Soloist.  I just laid one of each on the lam top to verify.

Wanna take it home?!? :blob7:
Hummmmm I was trying not to post it since I discovered, but where the heck are the Spalted Maple tops? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? :P
line6man said:
Wyliee said:
Pau ferro is one of my favorites for fingerboards.  I don't know why more people don't select it.

Damn right! :icon_biggrin:
I just love my Pau Ferro board, and i am so glad that i choose it over Ebony. 

That's hot.
Wow, congrats to anyone placing an order in the near future.  I can't see a downside to more selections and a price drop.  :dontknow:
Blue313 said:
Wow, congrats to anyone placing an order in the near future.   I can't see a downside to more selections and a price drop.  :dontknow:

Agreed.  Too bad there's nothing else I want to build....or is it?  :icon_jokercolor:
The decision was made to remove it due to the lower stability of its structure. 
Spalted Maple is basically a fungus in the maple that results in it having a consistency very similar to corkboard. 

There are going to be many more listings in the next few weeks of a variety of other species, we're currently working towards getting more inventory cut and photographed.
Call for availability for anything you may have questions on.

its okay. the only spalt top I wanted to make was a mockingbird... and you can't offer those anymore. *partially consoled*  ... i guess.  :-\