
Bill Lawrence teams with Lace Music

I remember specifically checking when the decision was handed down on Stich (aka Bill Lawrence) v Wajcman (aka Bill Lawrence USA).  I think it was a matter of hours afterwards that they were gone from their catalog.
I'm glad I started this thread, even though the subject is "water under the bridge". So many of us have been folowing this Company and Man for many years and are already familiar with the many in and outs. Never the less, it's so interesting!

To my knowledge, no other single product has been so powerful in its ability to have it's lineage disputed, it's quality debated, and it's use so devisive. Well, nothing that's stil in production. In short, the 500 series pickups have created a fierce loyalty at the heart of the 'debate'. The crazy thing is, even with all this bubbling and hoo haw, the 500 series, by either manufaturer, are still under the radar. It's a shame that they are not as popular as a Gibson 500 or 490, the Duncan JB or '59, etc.

P.S. Stew Mac has not has them in the catalog for a few years now.
for some REAL FYAH on the subject, do a search for Dimebucker, Bill Lawrence and BL USA on the Dean Guitars forum, mainly the Dime tribute section....official profanity warning!
Stew-Mac is a weird company, some of their stuff is so neat, and some of it is really second rate. They have the "spectacular quilted maple top" $197 bodies - the top's 1/16" thick....
Their pots are cheap second-grade stuff, they don't even carry CTS. Some of their switches are bad, bu they do carry some name-brand 5-ways.... :icon_scratch: You just have to be picky, but in this internet age, they have their fierce loyal customers, and they have their "it's all junk" detractors. I like their oddball little tools the best.