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Speaking of geriatric rockers, this is Justin Hayward, singer and guitarist for the Moody Blues, who has been touring in recent years as a mostly-acoustic three piece with Mike Dawes on lead guitar and a keyboardist named Julie Ragins.

There is no reason his voice should sound so good at his age.  One of my favorite singing voices of the hippie era.

Justin Hayward and John Lodge, had a band at one point called The Blue Jays, in the 70s as I think for some reason they could not go out as The Moody Blues. Anyway I got to see them and of course they did Nights in White Satin, and I remember working out how to play bits of it from memory.

Now years later I was at the exact same venue (which was quite a thing as I was living in a different country by then ), but anyway there was Uli Jon Roth and Friends, which also had the late Jack Bruce from Cream, Frank Morino and Glenn Hughes. Great concert but back to the story...

Glenn Hughes, has done a cover of Nights in White Satin, but he did not do it that night. But how anyone has a voice like that which seems to keep getting better after going to the depths and back is quite a feat.

Glenn, did a short set of Deep Purple songs, but later came on and sang with Uli on guitar and Jack Bruce on the bass, another cover of, A Whiter Shade of Pale. It was one of those standout moments and literally brought goosebumps up on my arm it was that moving. As far as I am aware this is the only recording from obviously another concert.


And from the same concert as the video above, Nights in White Satin.

Drummer just sent me a link to this girl, says she's gonna be at the next practice. Maybe in his dreams...


I saw that to. I subscribe to her Youtube channel, and when I looked at it eighteen hours had passed since it's release and she already had almost one hundred thousand views!  :o

She's extremely talented, but I can't help to think that she would also benefit (if that's even possible) by using a shorter scale neck. The Vigiers she's using are 25,5" (I assume) and it's obvious that she's a small person with small hands. I just think that the guitars she's using are huge compared to her and even though she manages inhuman passages, maybe a smaller scale guitar would make her struggle less.

Or maybe I should stop my whining and get a normal sized guitar myself ...  :laughing7:
I don't know... she doesn't appear to be struggling too much to me. Surprisingly little, actually, considering what she's doing. I mean, not even an occasional grimace like most players would throw in.
Cagey said:
I don't know... she doesn't appear to be struggling too much to me. Surprisingly little, actually, considering what she's doing. I mean, not even an occasional grimace like most players would throw in.

:icon_biggrin: I know what you mean. She's got a stone face like Buster Keaton sometimes  :toothy12:
I was more thinking of how her left hand seem to stretch and reach and do stuff on what seems like a giant neck. With a smaller neck that might look easier. Of course, she might not think it's hard or strange working that big neck, but sometimes I cringe thinking of what she does and how that would be for me on a 28" scale neck or something.
That young woman certainly does rob us short-fingered vulgarians of the excuse that we can't play as well as others due to our small hands.  *sigh*
This is a surprisingly satisfying cover of Rush's "Subdivisions" by an eight-string, chuggety-chug band of recent vintage.  They get the song into the conventions of their genre without pointlessly doctoring it beyond recognition in the name of "making it their own."

That was really cool. Thanks for sharing.

Although I sometimes like it when a song is doctored beyond recognition. Like Cardigans version of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. Can be very refreshing and fun ... 😄

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Hmm... a little vocal processing (well, maybe a lot), reamp the guitar and add some sfx, speed it up, remix... might could be something  :icon_biggrin:
I quite like this Piano and drums Sabbath cover

Speaking about Rush - Subdivisions.... Here is a death metal band's version that I listen to did...

I'm not familiar with The Tragically Hip, but listening to that clip made me for some reason think of ...

zebra said:
Mayfly said:

You watched the Kingston show, right? 
Powerful stuff.  So many mixed feelings....  :sad:

I heard that they were blasting the concert at Canada House at the Olympics in Rio and that more than one Athlete said that they'd rather be in Kingston that night... and they were at the bloody Olympics!