
Post what you're listening to!

line6man said:
I love me some Graham Bonnet.  :headbanging:


I'm totally digging that version of "Over the Rainbow" (One of my favorite songs ever, doesn't matter who is doing it!)
Schectadon said:
Silvera is my favorite song from the album. My friends that have all their albums don't like it though.
It's a fairly simple song to learn, even the solo.
(hey, I can finally reply to this!)

I love Gojira. I've been listening to the new album a lot lately.

Also, I've re-discovered my love of AFI recently. Been listening to Decemberunderground a lot.
Jumping on the Gojira chain! Love their latest album. I think I prefer it more than L'Enfaunt Sauvage. It's a bit catchier sounding I think, though I haven't listened to L'Enfaunt Sauvage as much as Magma.  :headbang4:
Probably one of the coolest songs I've heard written by a metal band...Some sort of Jazz song. Love this band, trumpet, sax, violin, all in a metal band.

My two most frequently listened-to artists this year.


Wow,  Rocket From the Tombs is a pretty fair distance from the middle Iof the road.  Love that band.
Bagman67 said:
Wow,  Rocket From the Tombs is a pretty fair distance from the middle of the road.  Love that band.

I'm a young guy. Under 20. First time I heard RFTT, I was blown away. It was almost like the perfect blend of blues, Beefheartian avant-garde, and embryotic punk. Like Devo if they had gone in the opposite direction. Needless to say, anything involving David Thomas or Peter Laughner is now a mainstay of my musical playlists.
Normally I listen to American music like Coheed, Dio, or stuff on the radio like 21 pilots and whatever else is popular, etc...

Currently though, I'm revisiting Dir en Grey and Girugamesh... it's J-rock so most people don't know it.  The "rock" is an understatement... it's very metal as fuuuuuuuuuuudge  :headbang5
Mark Lanegan is normally associated with really dark, kind of heavy material, but he can also be *almost* mellow (there's always an edge). He's one of my favorite artists:

Generally I'm into heavier stuff but Birds of Tokyo have sounded really cool to me lately. I'm seeing the main band of the singer's later in the year, Karnivool.

The Moderne Dance said:
I'm a young guy. Under 20. First time I heard RFTT, I was blown away. It was almost like the perfect blend of blues, Beefheartian avant-garde, and embryotic punk. Like Devo if they had gone in the opposite direction. Needless to say, anything involving David Thomas or Peter Laughner is now a mainstay of my musical playlists.

I'm an old guy. Over 50. Fell in love w/Père Ubu in the late ’70s and was with ’em fanatically up through *The Art of Walking* (1981) and afterwards we parted ways. Also loved the few David Thomas solo projects in the early to mid-80s.

*Dub Housing* (on Chrysalis, god knows how!) and *New Picnic Time* are Ubu's finest efforts IMHO.


Been listening to some Santana lately.


Still need to check out Santana IV.
From the ridiculous to the sublime.

Some of my fellow old fogeys will remember that Judy Collins was Stephen Stills' girlfriend, and the inspiration for Crosby Stills & Nash's first big hit, "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes."  She had an amazing voice (still does,even at 77).

By way of proof, submitted for your consideration: