
does wood really matter? It can

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that's an interesting project i guess but kinda impractical. and that guy sux at explaining stuff. if you understand opamp circuits you dont need his comentary and if you don't you probably aren't getting anything out of what he says.
blah, blah, blah...what a waste of the 5 min of my life...Someone just tell this guy to shut up and play or quit making videos... :icon_scratch:
yeah to sum up the video. "i tried these surface mount mics on my guitar and they sucked like my followers predicted, i'm gonna tell you how to build it anyway and never let you hear it so listen to me while i draw a circuit and talk about how i guessed on the componant values because i dont care."
it certainly proved that proper pickups work over9000 times better than something jury rigged after a night out drinking.
Sorry, I failed to realize that guitarist would be offended  or threatened by actual tinkering.  Yeah the results  sucked, but it was interesting.
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