
Post what you're listening to!

TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
The Perlman Sound: Itzhak Perlman.


Tony, If you like Perlman, you'll love this. You owe it to yourself to listen to the solo at about 7:10. My favorite violinist playing one of my favorite classical pieces.....
BigSteve22 said:
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
The Perlman Sound: Itzhak Perlman.


Tony, If you like Perlman, you'll love this. You owe it to yourself to listen to the solo at about 7:10. My favorite violinist playing one of my favorite classical pieces.....

Wow, that was wonderful!
After Perlman, it's hard to listen to some other violinists, he sets the bar so high with his dynamics, & quite certainly with his vibrato!
Seems like a good place to put this...

Does anyone remember laughter?

This is one of my old time favorite Al Di Meola tunes, and this is a live version from "Elegant Gypsy & More LIVE" recorded last year and released soon.

I follow Al DiMeola on facebook and lately he's been livecasting his rehearsal selections for the summer tour that he's kicking off.  It's been a lot of fun to watch the pros work out the tunes.  Dudes are seriously solid players, and the stuff Al stops a run-through for are so microscopically imperfect that it's kinda hilarious, really.

I have to say (well, I don't HAVE to, but I'm kind of a jerk so I will anyway), Al has always seemed to me to be a guy who's not very cool, with a real solid idea of what cool would look like if he were it.  Hence the poses with the guitar over his shoulder, the sunglasses, the very hot chicks on the album cover - but at the same time, he seems aware of his pose, and kind of pokes fun at it at the same time.

You're not alone. I really admire his work, and have bought the "Elegant Gypsy" album several times due to wearing it out or losing it. That said, I suspect for someone to become that good he'd have to be more than a little bit obsessive/compulsive, and while working with others, more than a little "anal" about detail. Not a good outlook for working/playing well with others or making easy friends.

But, that's ok. I enjoy his work and don't have to deal with him to do that.
stratamania said:
But Robert keeps moving forwards...


I do like the way he has actually gone forward and is doing things that aren't like the good 'ol days only older, grey and worse.

Anyway, talking about nostalgia


amigarobbo said:
I do like the way he has actually gone forward and is doing things that aren't like the good 'ol days only older, grey and worse.

That, of course, is subjective. His latest album is very good and far better than most can pull off at any age.

Mermen! Rockin' the Santa Cruz spacey surf vibe for three decades, more or less.
