
Post what you're listening to!

I remember seeing that documentary back in the eighties. Historical pfft I resemble that comment  :occasion14:

stratamania said:
I remember seeing that documentary back in the eighties. Historical pfft I resemble that comment  :occasion14:


Although, err.. I also remember the first broadcast of that too...  :headbang: Indeed I'm so old I remember the Simpsons when it was good, blahblah

Looking at the Rickenbacker construction stuff, it's easy to see why everyone jumped onto the CNC bandwagon
Me too!

Bumblefoot is a monster. Absolutely amazing musician!

Nice to see Jeff Scott Soto active too, I always thought he was a great vocalist back in the Yngwie days.
It's a shame that he didn't land a gig that garnered wide exposure & longevity.
Perhaps this time he'll get some recognition?
The band is really great and the songs are cool - so why not? I'm really digging them.
Logrinn said:
Perhaps this time he'll get some recognition?
The band is really great and the songs are cool - so why not? I'm really digging them.

I just got through the first two on the way to work this morning, looking forward to the ride home. :guitarplayer2:
These guys have sat me on my ass lately.....

Oh & this Japanese band has my interest.....



I've been on a Guthrie Govan and Nick Johnston kick lately.

Christy Moore, owner of a glorious Irish baritone, gives us his cover of "Shine On You Crazy Diamond," with Declan Sinnott on guitar.

I'm really enjoying the new Buffalo Tom album "Quiet And Peace"

This is the first track "All Be Gone" :


And in case you're unfamiliar with this Boston band of the '90s+, here's a bonus track from the 1992 album "Let Me Come Over" :

There's a small Israeli guitar company called B&G that makes some really lovely, if crazily high-priced guitars.  They have a series of build and demo videos up on their site and there's some tremendous playing going on there - two of the players are Yoni Schesinger and Dan Attar.

Yoni does this lovely cover of Dire Straits' "Brothers in Arms" arranged for solo guitar:


And Dan does a screaming job of covering a Beyonce tune, "Listen", on lap-style slide guitar.


Check out the rest.  Lots of good stuff there.